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One of the best things I’ve ever done for my sanity (and my productivity) is not involving myself in other people’s online drama.

For example…

I used to be the KING at arguing with people on Facebook.

If someone posted something on Facebook that I didn’t agree with…

I would spend at least 30 minutes arguing with them, and trying to prove ’em wrong.

This would inevitably lead to me wasting hours and hours writing follow-up responses…

And burning tons of emotional energy in the process.

If I was in an argument with someone, it was all I could think about.

But here’s the kicker…

In the end, it was pointless.

I wasn’t changing anyone’s mind.

And they weren’t changing mine.

So the only reason I was doing it was to make myself feel good.

I got a nice ego boost out of trying to “put someone in their place”.

But at the end of the day, I was the one who didn’t get anything done. 

So it was all a big waste of time.

I was making other people – and their drama – more of a priority than I was making myself. 

So eventually I just quit arguing with people on Facebook cold turkey.

And I don’t miss it one bit.

Which brings me to the point I want to make…

One of the best things you can do for your sanity and your productivity is to simply let things go if they don’t involve you.

My rule of thumb on this is simple…

If it’s not hurting my income or my reputation, I’m not going to engage with it.

Even if someone is saying something stupid…

Or even if I REALLY want to prove them wrong…

I know it’s just not worth it.

So I don’t do it.

And I’d suggest you have similar rules for yourself.

Staying focused on your own shit is more important.

No need to get caught up in the drama of others and waste your day.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Wednesday.

– Justin


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