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In this email, I’m gonna pull back the curtain and give you a full breakdown of every dollar I made in 2021…

I’m gonna show you how I did it…

What worked (and what didn’t)…

And I’ll even show you what I’m going to be doing in 2022 based on how 2021 went.

Let’s dive in…

So overall in 2021 the total amount of money I made from my business was about $1.5 million.

And this broke down as follows…

– $1,340,000 from Copy Accelerator

This is the coaching program I run with Stefan Georgi for copywriters and offer owners.

Last I looked we have 260+ people in the program.

And they’re paying anywhere from $12,500 – $45,000 to be in the group.

I own 50% of the business, so my total income from Copy Accelerator this year was $1,340,000.

That number could have been a lot higher…

But we wound up hiring/spending more than usual in the second half of the year, so my monthly income dipped a bit.

But we needed to make those investments to continue growing the program and make it better.

PLUS we have some big plans for 2022 with CA so I think we’re in a good spot now to make those plans happen. 

So overall, Copy Accelerator was my #1 income source by a long shot.

And it’s why I put almost all of my focus on Copy Accelerator this year.

Alright, let’s move on to my 2nd biggest income source…

– $122,000 from the Justin Goff Marketing Letter

This was the monthly print newsletter I started in 2020.  It was doing great and making me around $40k-$50k a month in profit.

However at the end of March, I decided to shut it down.


Well because it was turning into a major operation that I was not prepared for.

Writing the newsletter wasn’t hard (I really enjoyed that part).

What was hard was all the stuff involved with getting new subscribers, shipping issues with COVID, managing a team etc…

It was a LOT more than I thought…

And in the end I decided it wasn’t worth it.

My focus was better spent on Copy Accelerator.

So I shut my newsletter down.

However, the newsletter still made me about $122k in 2021 (which was my second biggest income source).

Alright, let’s move on and look at the income I had from referrals, affiliates and investment income…

– $91,125 from referrals

For referrals, I basically make money referring people to various professionals and service providers.

For example…

When someone asks me where to get a merchant account from, I send them to my friend Seth Proper.

I met Seth at Mike Geary’s mastermind…

And he does a great job of getting people super low rates on their merchant accounts, so I’m glad to send him the business.

In return for sendin him new clients, Seth sends me commissions for helping him.

So that’s a win-win.

And I have multiple deals like this setup with service providers and professionals.

Overall this part of my biz accounted for about $91,125 this year.

Which was awesome.

That was pretty much all passive income.

And frankly I should put a little more effort into this income stream next year to build it up more.

I know there’s countless things I refer people to that I don’t get any commission on, so I should really set those up in my favor in 2022.

Alright, so that was all my referral income…

Let’s dig into affiliate income.

– $37,507 from affiliate income

For affiliate income, this is simply income I make from promoting other people’s offers to my email list.

This year I promoted Stefan’s RMBC course…

Tanner/Jerrod’s 7-figure email course…

Ian Stanley’s “Almost Passive Income” event…

And a few others.

Overall that made me just shy of $40k.

But truthfully that number is closer to $80k.

There’s a few things I promoted at the end of the year, that I won’t get paid for until January, so realistically this number was a lot higher.

Now what’s interesting is that the affiliate stuff is one area I always go back and forth on.


Well because if I have my own product, I’m almost always going to promote that over an affiliate offer.

My past launches have shown that I usually make 5-10x the money when I promote my own offers vs. when I promote affiliate offers (cause people on my list want to learn from ME). 

So it doesn’t make a lot of sense for me to spend 7-days promoting an affiliate offer when I can just promote my own stuff.

However, I also don’t have enough of my own products to sell.

And frankly I’m not that interested in creating more of them.

So it’s a bit of a catch 22.

But with that said…

My goal for next year is to have something to promote every month (either my own stuff or a good affiliate offer that I like).

I think I can easily get my affiliate income to $100k a year doing that (without taking away from any of my other income sources). 


Everything I just showed you was all my earned income from my business. 

And that added up to around $1.5 million.

Now let’s look at my investment income.

I hesitate to call this “income” because it’s not actual income yet.

It’s just unrealized gains.

But with that said…

Here’s what my 2021 investing income looked like…

– $625,000 from stocks/bonds at Vanguard

This is the bulk of my portfolio.

I have a 80/20 split with stocks and bonds (all in index funds at Vanguard).

Stocks were on a tear this year…

So they did well for me.

However bonds were total crap.

I’m actually going to move a bunch of my money out of bonds in 2022 and put it into real estate (better returns, more diversification).

But overall my stocks kicked ass in 2021 and gave me a big ROI.

There’s nothing fancy about my stocks.

It’s just an index fund that mimics the market.

And the market has been on fire, so I had a good year.

So that was all the income I had from stocks…

Last but not least is my crypto income.

– $410,000 from crypto

I got into crypto in late 2020.

Mostly just buying Bitcoin, Ethereum and a few alt-coins.

Since then I’ve put more money in, and I have about 25% of my overall investment portfolio in crypto.

And of that 25%, 70% of it is in the two top dogs with Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Those make up the bulk of my portfolio.

The other 30% is where I play around with alt-coins (some of these are top 20 coins like Chainlink, Polkadot and Solana).

And others are much smaller coins like Origin Trail, COTI and Kadena. 

I see a lot of potential in crypto.

And there’s a ton of coins that are gonna 100x in the next few years.

So I like taking a small portion of my portfolio and trying to find those moonshots. 


That’s what my investments look like.

Overall they made me a little over a million bucks.

So if you add up my earned income + my investment income…

I brought in around $2.5 million total.

Which is great.

My goal these days is to make around $1.5 million with my business…

And then if I can get a 10% return on my investments, I’ll be set. 

So 2021 hit those goals (and more).

So financially it was a good year.

Alright I need to wrap this up.

I’ve been writing for like two hours.

Hope this email was helpful…

And that you got some good insight…

And maybe some inspiration from it as well…

Here’s to a good 2022 for you and me both…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.