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Yesterday I had the pleasure of speaking at my buddy Jason Capital’s event in LA with a slew of copywriting legends…

Guys like Craig Clemens (the man behind the Gundry MD offers)…

David Deutsch (my first copy coach)…

And Evaldo Albuquerque (the best financial copywriter in the game).

All three of these guys dazzled the crowd…

And revealed some of their best kept copy secrets.

By the end of the day, I personally had nearly 3 pages of notes written down.

I had a note from Evaldo about how to really grab someone at the beginning of your copy.

I had a note from Craig about making people feel like they’re a part of something bigger.

I had a note from Deutsch about amping up the emotion in my copy.

What’s funny is that while I was jotting down notes, it dawned on me just how much I’ve changed over the years. 

Cause back in the day, I wouldn’t have been open to learning from these guys.


Cause I stupidly thought I already knew everything.

If a great copywriter was speaking at an event, I’d act like I didn’t need to learn from them.

Which was complete bullshit.

But that was the “air” I was putting on.

And that held me back for a long time.

My mentality was basically “I’m the best”…

And I don’t really care what anyone else has to say.

Which is insane.

But that’s the way I thought…

Honestly, when I think about it now, it just makes me laugh.

I was so closed off to learning from others…

And I lived in such a “better than” mindset…

It’s no wonder my copy didn’t improve for a number of years.

I just stayed stagnant.

And kept spinning my wheels thinking I knew everything.

Luckily for me, all that eventually changed.

And I saw the light.

I learned to be more realistic about my copy skills.

And I realized that I still had a lot to learn.

Buto ne of the biggest breakthroughs for me was understanding that learning from others wasn’t a weakness on my part.

Cause that’s how I saw it.

I thought if you needed someone’s help then you were being weak.

But that’s simply not true. 

Learning from others is a strength.

And this has been reinforced to me over and over again since then.

The most successful people I know are open to learning from other successful people.

They don’t think they know everything…

They don’t think they can do it on their own…

They’re usually well aware of what their strengths and their weaknesses are.

So they’re open to learning from people smarter than them.

Like I said it took me a long time to learn that.

And to break out of my old “I know everything” kind of thinking.

But I’m a much better copywriter and entrepreneur now because of it. 

That’s the power of being open to learning.

And not thinking you’re better than you are.

It’s a lesson I wish I would have learned sooner.

But I’m thankful I finally “got it”.

That’s all I got for ya today.

I’m in LA for a few more days.

And then back to Austin on Saturday.

Enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

P.S. – if you’re open to learning from two of the best marketers on the planet, then I suggest you apply for a sit-in seat at our next mastermind in February.

You’ll get to learn from me and my partner Stefan Georgi (who I believe is the best copywriter in the world right now)…

You’ll also get to learn from superstars like Chris Haddad, Jay Deiboldt, Marc Stockman, Jeff Radich, Matt Harmon, Jason Kutasi and Tyler Bramlett. 

It’s a loaded line-up.

And that doesn’t even include our mastermind members that will be there like VShred, Agora Financial, Dan Lok’s, Natural Health Sherpa, PaleoHacks, 4Patriots and more…

It’s all going down at the end of February.

The sit-in seats are limited due to the size of the room we booked.  So if you want one, I’d apply for a seat here while you still can.  

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.