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Funny story…

The other day a legit A-list copywriter picked up my “13 Email Hooks” course and then messaged me saying…

“I’m about half way through the course and already got two new ideas that I think will crush with my list.  I appreciate you putting this together”

That’s a cool email to get.

And I love seeing guys at the top of their game, still learning.


About two hours after I got that email…

I got another email from a copywriter (who I’ve never heard of) saying… 

“I want a refund, there’s nothing new in this course. I already know all these hooks.”

This made me chuckle.


Cause in all my years of writing copy and working with copywriters, I’ve never heard this guy’s name once.

I’ve never heard of a client hiring him…

I’ve never seen someone in a Facebook group raving about his copy…

Yet, he somehow knew every single thing that I taught in this course.

Obviously he could be lying out of his ass…

But more than likely he’s one of the people who doesn’t understand the difference between “knowing” and “using” the knowledge he has.

The A-lister uses the knowledge.

He puts it into play…

He tests it…

And he ultimately makes money from it.

I would bet a pretty penny that the guy who asked for the refund isn’t doing that.

He might know all the hooks I’m teaching… 

But he’s not “in the arena” using them…

He’s not writing for clients…

Or writing for his list.

And if that’s the case…

He’s really wasting his time buying courses.

He’d be better off playing video games…

Or scrolling on Instagram…

Cause there’s no money in being a “knower”.

All the money is in being a “user” of the knowledge you have. 

You have to put the knowledge to use.

That’s how you get better…

And that’s how you make moolah.

It’s all about being a “user” of your knowledge.


If you’re a “user” and you want to snag a copy of my 13 email hooks course before it closes tonight…

You can do that right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.