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One of the most profitable marketing lessons you can learn is that your buyers are NOT like you.

For example…

My parents are close to the typical buyer on most lists.

They’re in their early 60’s…

And they live a small-town, middle class life in Sandusky, Ohio. 

And unlike me or you they aren’t on a computer 8 hours a day.

So they’re not tech savvy…

In fact, they still do a bunch of stuff that might surprise you such as…

– Using an old HP desktop from 2001 (the same one I used in highschool)

– Still using Internet Explorer

– My dad still uses the same AOL email address he had back in 1997

– If they need to buy a specific cleaning product, supplement, or lightbulb, they don’t go to Amazon like I would.  They go to Target or Walmart.

– If my parents needs to open a PDF or anything like that they call me and ask what to do

–  They prefer to pay with cash everywhere they go (slightly weary of credit cards).

– The thought of buying something online is still something they fear (although they do buy stuff online)

Now compare their buying habits with your buying habits…

You probably buy stuff everday…

Hell, the Amazon man probably knows your house by heart…

And guess what?

This is normal to you and I.

But it’s not the norm.

My parents are closer to the norm. 

Your average person is still weary of buying stuff online…

They think they’re gonna get scammed.

They don’t trust the site.

So they wonder if they can buy whatever they’re buying in a “real store”.

All that stuff is going through their head when they buy.

And if you’re not addressing it…

And making them feel comfortable about their purchase…

I’m willing to bet you’re missing out on sales.

Point being…

You can’t assume the people buying your stuff are like you.

Cause they’re not.

They’re not nearly as savvy as you.

They don’t spend as much time on a computer.

And they probably need a lot more hand-holding to make that purchase than you think.

So next time you’re writing copy…

Or creating a checkout page…

Keep that in mind.

Your bank account will thank you for it.

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Thursday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.