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I’m putting the finishing touches on my upsell presentation for our Copy Accelerator event on Thursday.

So I’m gonna give you a little sneak peek at it…  

I’ll be talking about the OLOF method…

Which is an upsell method I created that helps you get 30-50% conversions on your upsells.

And while there’s a few parts of the OLOF method that you need to get right…

The most important part of the upsell is selling them the RIGHT product.

The upsell has to be congruent with what they just bought.

Let’s look at an example…

My buddy Blake just put out his first offer earlier this year.

It’s a course for guys on how to get more matches on Tinder.

And right out of the gate, his first upsell was converting at 40-50% on cold Facebook traffic.

Which is incredible.

I know marketers who have been at this for 10 years and don’t get conversion rates like that.

But Blake did on his first try.


Well he simply followed the OLOF method.

And as I said the most important part of that method is the “O” part (the offer).

So on the front-end people buy his Tinder course for $37.

And then for his upsell, he went with one of the most proven offers…

And that’s a done-for-you offer.

So he put together over 200 Tinder messages that he has used to personally start conversations with girls, get responses, get dates etc…

So he’s showing the guys EXACTLY what they need to say.

If they want, they can simply copy & paste his messages

And guess what?

That’s the whole reason this upsell converts so well.

Think about it…

If a guy is buying a course on how to get more matches on Tinder, he has VERY little belief in his ability to talk to girls.

He’s not sure what to say…

And whatever he’s tried in the past hasn’t worked that well.

So he doesn’t have a lot of confidence in his own abilities to say the right thing. 

This is why a done-for-you upsell works so well.

It takes all the pressure off of him.

Because you’re doing the work for him.

And guess what?

That’s what everyone wants.

We all want the easiest path.

We want things done for us.

Cause in reality, all we want is the result (in this case, getting the girl)

We don’t care how it happens…

We just want the end result.

Which is why the done-for-you upsell is so powerful.

And it’s why Blake’s upsell has a 40-50% take rate on cold traffic.

So there ya go…

That’s just one little tidbit from my presentation that I’m giving Thursday.

If you’re attending the event, you’ll get to hear the rest (it gets even better).

If not you’re missing out on some gold…

But at least ya got this little nugget to work with…

Hope this was helpful for ya.

Enjoy your Monday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.