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A few years ago, a friend of mine in the health space confessed that he couldn’t get his buyers to buy a whole lot of stuff on the backend.

The front-end has worked for two years, but once they’re on our email list they just don’t buy a whole lot of stuff” he said.

“Let me take a look” I said.

First thing I did was dig into the emails he was sending to his list.

Everything looked good from a copy perspective.

And he was promoting winning offers.

So no problem there.

Show me the front-end offer you’re using to bring these buyers in” I said.

He pulled it up for me on his laptop…

It was an anti-aging supplement.

I browsed through the copy and muttered “copy  looks good”.

But when I scrolled down and got to the offer, I immediately stopped.

I saw the problem.

Unlike most supplement offers, he didn’t have a typical 1, 3 and 6 bottles of a supplement.

He had one of those super-duper deal offers.

So if you bought one bottle of his supplement, you got 2 more bottles for free.

And here’s the thing…

This kind of offer does work.

I know multiple people running offers like this.

And this one was bringing in hundreds of buyers a day for him.

But as I pointed out to him… 

It wasn’t bringing in the RIGHT buyers.

People who are attracted to these mega-deal, cheap offers are not your typical health buyers.

They’re deal seekers.

So if you try to sell them supplements at a regular price on the backend, most of them won’t buy.

What they’re after are deals.

Which is why my friend’s backend emails were flopping.

Now here’s the big thing I want you to take away from this story.

It’s an important lesson…

And one that can make you very rich if you truly grasp it. 

People’s past buying behavior always predicts their future buying behavior.

A business owner who spends $30,000 to be in a mastermind, is a great candidate to spend $30,000 to be in another mastermind.

A mother who buys a cookbook about paleo desserts is a great candidate for more cookbooks.

This works in every industry.

And at every price point.

My ex-girlfriend who had 14 different high-end purses, was always looking for another purse.

My buddy who has 3 classic cars is always on the hunt for another classic car. 

So again…

What people buy will always predict what they buy in the future.

Sounds simple…

But if you truly grasp this…

And understand it when creating products…

It will make you a lot of moolah.

Keep that in mind.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.