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“I don’t think the struggles ever go away, they just change”

This is something I said last night to my buddy Alec when we were munching down some steaks at Perry’s (my favorite steakhouse in Austin)

Alec and I were discussing all the struggles he went through back in 2018 when he first started writing copy…

Like how he constantly doubted himself…

How he put mountains of pressure on himself to make his copy perfect…

And how he was terrified that he was gonna let me down since I was mentoring him…

That first year was a real struggle for him…

And I mentioned that even though he’s doing really well now…

I don’t think the struggles ever go away…

They simply change.

I know that’s been true for me.

When I was a month away from being broke in 2010, I surely had a lot of struggles going on.

But I also had a lot of struggles in 2016 when my supplement company was crushing it and raking in $23 million in sales. 

Cause that year I was working myself silly…

I pretty much stopped dating or hanging out with friends…

And I also moved to Austin where I didn’t have many friends…

So I felt incredibly lonely that year…

And like I had no life.

So even though my business was printing money and firing on all cylinders…

I still had plenty of struggles.

Point being…

If you’re struggling now, and you’re hoping the struggles will go away…

I can tell you that they won’t.

They’ll simply change.

One year your struggles might be money…

The next year they might be you not feeling fulfilled…

The next year your struggles might be with your spouse…

The struggles will always be there.

It’s just part of life.

So my advice is to simply understand that struggling is normal…

Seriously, it’s completely normal.

And everyone struggles (even if they act like their life is great)…

So just understand that if you’re struggling, it’s simply part of the game.

You’re not doing anything wrong…

You’re not defective…

The struggles will always be there (they’ll just change over the years).

So keep that in mind.

– Justin

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