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“I’ve only heard of two of the people you mentioned, and I am quite successful already.  Any of your panelists clear 100k a year consistently for 42 years?  Not speaking fee’s.  Actually running a business (non marketing or advertising)”

I woke up this morning to this lovely, troll-like comment on Facebook… 

It was in response to me announcing the speakers for our event in March.

Apparently this guy didn’t think our speakers were the real deal…

So he decided to take a shot at Alen Sultanic, Chris Evans, Marcella Allison, Kevin Rogers, Kim Krause Schwalm, Allen Baler and Jason Capital…

What’s funny is he wanted to know how many of them are clearing $100k a year.

Well I’ve never seen their tax returns…

But if I had to guess…

I’d say Alen Sultanic, Allen Baler, Chris Evans and Jason Capital all probably take home between $3 – $8 million a year.

I’d bet Kevin Rogers, Marcella and Kim are probably pocketing $500k – $2 million a year.

I’m usually in the $1-$2 million range myself…

And I know Stefan clears $3+ million with his multiple businesses. 

So we all know what we’re doing…

Some of us run businesses…

Others write copy…

And some do a hybrid of both…

Either way, I think it’s safe to say everyone speaking at the event has “chops”.

They aren’t professional speakers…

And they don’t make their money from speaking…

They’re real, in-the-trenches entrepreneurs and copywriters.

And that’s what we want.

Real people who are winning at the direct response game right now in 2022…


I’ll get off my soapbox.

But if learning from brilliant marketers like Alen, Kim, Marcella, Jason, Allen, Chris and Kevin interests you…

Then I suggest you give the event a look.

It’s for 3 days in Tampa (also available virtually).

You’ll get to hang with Stefan and I…

As well as all the speakers…

And over the 3 days we’ll teach you all the latest tactics for VSL’s, scaling offers, upsells, emails and more so that you can make a whole lot more dough. 

So if you can make it, I suggest you apply for one of the sit-in seats at the event…

I put all the info on the event page for ya here.

So give that a read.

And I hope to see ya there…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.