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People seem to like it when I share all the random stuff on my mind…

So let’s do that…

1.  When I was talking to my coach (Brent) the other day, I mentioned that I was thinking of going on a vacation in December.

Somewhere warm.

Just to recharge.

He was all for it.

“You seem tired” he said. “And not just in a you had a bad night’s sleep kind of tired.  You seem a little worn down, so I highly encourage it”

As usual, he was right.

The last few months I’ve had a lot on my plate.

And January/February are going to be crazy for me.

I’ll be launching my first product in January called “1000 buyers a day”.  I’m putting that together now.

And then February 26-28th, we have the first Copy Accelerator mastermind of 2020.

So I will be plenty busy to start the year.

Which is why I’m gonna prolly take a vacation at the end of December. 

I’m still trying to decide where I want to go…

The initial spots would be Cabo, Bahamas or another warm spot that’s less than a 6-hour flight.

I’m leaning toward Cabo right now.

I’ve never been.

And some of the resorts look right up my alley.

I just want to lay on the beach, get massages, and do nothing for 5 days.

Sounds like paradise.

2.  I mentioned a few weeks ago that George is struggling with his hips and back legs.

Getting off the ground is tough.

And his back paws are dragging on walks.

I started getting him weekly accupuncture, chiropractic and this other radiation therapy thing.

We’ve only done 2 sessions, but he’s already moving better.

His paws don’t drag as much.

And he’s standing up taller. 

Which is great.

I’m also considering stem cells for him.

But since that’s an invasive procedure, I’m gonna hold off and see how the accu/chiro does before making a decision on that.

And if it’s needed, then we’ll give it a try.

It’s tough watching him get old.

He still has the spunk he had when he was a puppy. 

He loves to play…

But his body is just failing him.

Hopefully the chiro/accu keeps helping.

Cause I feel like he has another 2-3 good years in  him if his body doesn’t fall apart.

3. Speaking of bodies falling apart…

A few weeks ago I decided to hire a personal trainer to help me fix a bunch of injuries and imbalances I have.

Basically, I’ve ignored a bunch of these injuries for too long.

And heavy lifting on top of it just makes them worse.

So we’re working on fixing those…

One thing I’ve noticed working with the trainer is that I have to really give in and do the “shit that I don’t want to do”.

I’m not the kind of guy who EVER stretched or did any type of mobility work.

All I wanted to do was get bigger and stronger.

But I have some serious tight spots in my body that need work (mostly chest, upper back and hips). 

And I’m 35 now, so fixing this now becomes more important. 

So far, I feel a LOT better.

I’m moving better.  I’m not as tight.

And my neck/shoulder pain that has been bugging me for a while has gone down dramatically. 

Having someone there to show me exactly what I need to do has been a game-changer.

And it’s funny that I didn’t realize this before.

Cause I see the same thing everyday in our Copy Accelerator group.

Once someone joins, and they have Stefan and I coaching them, their copy gets infinitely better.

However, I was too stubborn to hire someone when it came to my workouts.

Well, lesson learned.

Cause I feel a lot better today than I did a month ago  

So I’m just gonna keep trusting him.

Working with the trainer made me realize, that sometimes you just have to get out of your own way. 

And if someone else knows best…

Just let them do their thing.

And you follow along.

Hard to do for most entrepreneurs…

But a lot of times it’s the right choice.


That’s what’s on my mind this morning.

Hope you got something out of this.

I need to make some breakfast.

And then me and George are off to Zilker to cause some trouble.

Enjoy your Sunday.

– Justin

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