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One of the best copy lessons I ever learned is that the less your ad looks like an “ad”, the better it will sell.

For example…

When I was running my supplement company in 2016, we ran a good amount of magazine ads.

And one of the magazines we constantly advertised in was Newsmax (a conservative magazine that caters to the 60+ demo)

Now, most of the ads in Newsmax are your typical “big brand” style advertising.

You probably know what I’m talking about…

Pretty pictures…

Very little copy…

No call to action…

It was a bunch of that.

But when I wrote the ad for our supplement, I went the exact opposite route.

In fact, I made our ad look EXACTLY like the articles in the magazine.

It had the same layout…

The same font…

Everything was the same.

Obviously the ad department at Newsmax wasn’t thrilled about it.

But with a little cajoling, I got them to run it.

And guess what happened?

We spent like $2k on that ad, and wound-up bringing in close to $6k in revenue.

Which was a huge winner…

So we doubled-down and duplicated that ad to other magazines and we were able to get similar results in those magazines.

And the reason the ad worked so well is because of the principle I mentioned at the beginning of this email.

“Ads that don’t look like ads, sell a lot more”

This is so true…

And it’s been proven over and over.

It’s been proven with documentary style VSL’s…

Magalogs in direct mail…

Banner ads that look like content…

Over and over again ads that don’t look like ads do really well.

Which is why I’m super excited about what my buddy Ian Stanley is doing with sales letters right now.

He’s NOT writing typical 40-page salesletters.

He’s writing something I call the “anti salesletter”. 

Usually it’s only 4 or 5 pages long…

Sometimes there’s not even a headline…

And craziest of all, it’s just written inside of a Google Doc.

So you can whip these “anti salesletters” up in less than an hour…

And some of these 4-5 page letters are converting better than a 40-page sales letter! 

Which is nuts…

And frankly I was suspicious of it when Ian texted me about it.

But here’s the thing…

His numbers don’t lie.

Thes simple Google Docs are producing a LOT of sales for him.

And they’re working to sell everything from a low ticket $49 newsletter, to affiliate offers, to a $10,000 coaching program.

So here’s the deal…

I selfishly want to know more about the ins-and-outs of how Ian is creating these.

Cause I’m planning on using an anti-salesletter for a product I’m launching in June…

So this Thursday (tomorrow), Ian and I are gonna host a private Zoom call where he’s going to break down exactly how to create one of these “anti-salesetters”. 

The call will be at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT.

We’ll probably go for 60-75 minutes…

So if you want to join us…

And learn all about how to use a simple 4-page “anti-salesletter” in a Google doc to make a boatload of sales…

Then make sure you register for the Zoom call now.

Again it’s at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT this Thursday.

I have no idea if there will be a replay…

So if you can make it live, I suggest you do that.

Here’s the link to save your spot on the call.

Hope to see ya there…

-> 4-page Google Doc sales letter that’s crushing

– Justin

Note: Last time Ian and I did a call together, his Zoom account couldn’t handle everyone trying to get in.  So a few people wound-up missing out. I have no idea if that will happen this time, but if you want to ensure you have a spot, make sure you save yourself a spot here

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.