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One of my goals for this month is to grow my email list. 

Specifically I’m looking to add successful offer owners and copywriters to the list.

So I want to ask a favor of you…

If you know of someone who would enjoy my daily emails…

And who would learn a lot from them…

Can you forward this email to them?

All they need to do is apply to be on the list at the link below. 

And if they’re a fit, I’ll get them added.

Again, I’m looking for successful offer owners and copywriters.

And when I say “successful”, they don’t need to be raking in millions of dollars…

They just need to have some success already.

Maybe that’s a friend of yours…

Or even someone on your team…

Either way, just forward them this email, and I’ll take care of getting them on the list.

Here’s the short application they need to fill out to be on the list…

-> Justin Goff’s Private email list application

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.