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The #1 question that’s been pummeling my inbox this week is some variation of…


Of course it’s easy for you to grow a list, people know who you are.  How am I supposed to build a list if nobody knows who I am? 


Honestly, this question confuses me…


Because pretty much every successful person I know built their list without anyone knowing who they are…

Perry Belcher built a 2.2 million person list in the gun niche where no one knows who he is or what he’s done…

Jonathan Boyd built an 80,000 person list in the guitar niche despite no one in that niche having ever heard of him…

Jason Capital built a 35,000 person list in the basketball training niche despite not being a famous basketball player…

The idea that you need to be “known” is just not true.

You can do it being unknown.

Hell…a few years ago I built a 290,000 person list in the anti-aging niche.

And I was not known back then like I am today.

Most people had no clue who I was.

So I wasn’t able to rely on affiliates…

I simply built the list on my own through email drops and radio ads.

And guess what?

It worked really well.

I grew that list from 0 to 290k in just a few years…

And most of the people on the list were buyers.

So we quickly grew to doing $23 million a year in sales.

So it was good times…

And I was able to accomplish all that despite not being a household name. 

So there ya go…

The idea that you need to be an authority…

Or well known is BS.

You can build it on your own.

And if you want help doing that…

I suggest showing up for the list building training I’m hosting tomorrow afteroon (Jan 25th) at noon ET. 

Cause not only am I gonna show ya how to build a list (even if nobody knows who you are)…

I’m also gonna show you a few sneaky ways to acquire a 8k-10k person list for free in the next two weeks.

That’s no bullshit.

I know plenty of unknowns who have done this.

It involves a technique I call “list splintering”, where you basically get a duplicate of everyone that’s on someone else’s list.

It’s super ninja stuff.

And I’ll show you how to execute this on the training tomorrow. 

So if that floats your boat…

I’d suggest getting signed up for the training while you still can.

The deadline to sign up is 11:59 PM CT tonight.

And one thing to note…

I actually enforce my deadlines and don’t let people in afterwards (even if they’re good friends of mine). 

So you need to get signed up before 11:59 PM CT tonight if you want in. 

As for the training…

It will take place tomorrow (Jan 25th) at noon ET on Zoom.

Plan on it lasting about three hours…

If you can’t make it to the live training, you’ll get access to the recordings forever…

So if you can’t make it, I’d suggest signing up anyways…

Cause you can just watch the recordings later at your own convienence (just like you would when you buy a course).

So that’s the deal…

Now I haven’t told you about the price yet.

But don’t worry, that’s one of the best benefits… 

Unlike other trainings and workshops I’ve done in the past, this one won’t cost $1500.

In fact, it won’t even cost $500…

I think having a list of “people with money” is a game-changer…

So I’m making this training affordable for everyone.

So instead of charging $1500 or $500…

The price is just $197.

So for $197, I’ll walk you through my whole PWM method for building your list of “people with money”. 

That way you’ll be able to make as much dough as you want this month, next month and for years to come. 

Having a profitable list is extremely powerful…

And it’s personally allowed me to…

– make $350k in 2018 from a tiny list of 200 people

– routinely make $30k+ simply promoting other people’s products that I believe in (affiliate offers)

– get 70+ people to sign up for a $35,000 coaching program

– work just 1-2 hours a day, and still make $40k-$50k a month

My list did all of that.

Which is why I’m excited to teach you the secret sauce behind all of this in my training tomorrow.

Again, the training will take place tomorrow (January 25th) on Zoom at noon ET/9 AM PT.

As of me writing this, 314 people have already signed up…

Including some big name marketers and copywriters like Dan Roitman, Laura Catella, Jason Ferruggia, Mike Pavlish, Rachel Mazza, Austin Dean, Randall Pruitt, Ian Nagy, George Rivera, Scott Mills and Ryan Moran.

So if you want to be a part of the training…

I suggest grabbing a spot now while it’s still open.

The deadline is 11:59 PM CT tonight.

So if you want to guarantee yourself a spot…

Head over to the checkout now and get signed up.

You can secure your spot right here.

Hope to see ya on the training…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.