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A few weeks ago I mentioned to Stefan (my biz partner) that we should give the students in our 8-week copywriting mentorship an actual paid copy job.

So not only would they learn copy…

But they’d also get PAID by a real client to write copy.

I honestly wasn’t sure how we were gonna pull this off…

Cause it’s not easy getting a business to pony-up  money for a bunch of newer copywriters…

But after a lot of brainstorming…

We came up with the perfect solution.

You see, Stefanrecently became part owner of a direct response company in the CBD space…

And since they’re buying a lot of traffic, they’re always testing new email creatives.

So they need LOTS of emails.

And well, we’re gonna help them get more email creatives by having each student in the 8-week copywriting mentorship write an email for them.

And each student will get paid $25 for this.

Pretty cool, right?

Now, I understand that $25 isn’t life changing money by any means.

However, the real appeal here is that this email project could lead to bigger, more lucrative gigs.

Cause if you can write a good email…

Most businesses will be eager to hire you for ongoing emails, sales pages, upsells etc…

I see it happen all the time.

So something as simple as an email is a good way to get your foot in the door.


You’ll get more details on this $25 email gig once you’re in the mentorship group. 

But as I mentioned this morning…

Today is the last day to apply to be in the 8-week mentorship.

After midnight PT, we will close the applications.

And you won’t be able to get in (no exceptions). 

So if you want to be in the mentorship…

Then I suggest you get your application in soon.

Because this 8-week mentorship will teach you everything you need to know to write winning ads, emails and sales pages.

PLUS – and this is a big plus – you’ll also get feedback on the copy you write from one of our copy coaches during the mentorship.

Which is invaluable.

So that’s what the mentorship is all about.

And if you want a spot in the group, I suggest filling out the application here.

You’ll also find all the info about the start date, the time slots you can choose from and the price for the mentorship on the application page. 

Give it a look here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.