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Piggybacking on yesterday’s email about the similarities between dating and copy, I got another one for ya today…

I’m a big believer in the idea that “whoever takes the most swings, will win”.

Case in point…

Back when I was in college, I had a friend (Paul) who basically hooked up with a new woman everytime we went out.

So if we were out at a house party…

Or a bar on campus…

At the end of the night Paul was bringing a girl back to the house with him.

But here’s the thing…

If you met Paul, you’d never think he was a lady’s man.

He was pretty average looking…

He was only about 5’7…

And if you asked any women to describe him, “charming” would be the last word they’d use.

So he wasn’t exactly Ryan Gosling…


He was still getting more girls than anyone else in our friend group.


Because he simply talked to MORE girls when we went out than all the rest of us combined.  

While I might have talked to 2 or 3 girls on an night out…

Paul would talk to 30+ at every party we were at.

He basically started a conversation with every woman he saw.

Didn’t matter if it was a group of girls…

Or if the girl was already with a guy…

He’d strike up a conversation and see if it went anywhere.

And guess what?

Usually there was at least one girl who was into him.

Sure he got rejected a LOT…

And he had some epic blow outs (we still laugh about these in our group texts lol)

But he knew what he was doing.

He made up for his mediocre looks (and his average game) by simply taking as many swings as possible. 

And that’s a strategy that you can also use with copy.

If you and I are going head to head writing emails…

And you get one shot at writing an email…

And I get eight shots at writing the email…

Who do you think is going to win that bake-off?

Most likely I will.

Because I get more swings at it. 

With eight emails I can try all kinds of different angles, hooks and stories.

With one email, you only have one shot.

So just like with dating, how many swings you take with copy matters a lot.

And that applies to Facebook ads…



And everything else that’s copy related.

Whoever takes the most swings is going to win in the end.

That’s a simple piece of advice, but it’s one that can make you a lot of dough if you embrace it.

So I say embrace it.

And enjoy your Wednesday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.