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One of the big similarities between dating and good copy is just how powerful social proof can be.

For example…

When I used to promote our Copy Accelerator events, one of my go-to promo angles was listing out all the big name marketers that would be at the event.

So I’d have a list that would showcase Dan Ferrari, Ian Stanley, Carline Anglade Cole, Nick Daniel, Craig Clemens, Steve Gunn, Chris Haddad, Kim Krause Schwalm and many others.

Sometimes this list would be 30-50 people long.

Basically anyone who was a “name” and that people would recognize I would showcase that they were coming to the event.

And guess what?

This angle always crushed.

I mean absolutely crushed…

People who were on the fence about coming…

Or who weren’t even considering coming to the event, now were all of a sudden lining up to buy a ticket.


Social proof.

If all the “cool kids” are going to the event, then I want to go to that event as well.

Well, the same thing happens in the world of dating.

Case in point…

Let’s say you’re a guy at a bar with your two buddies, and a woman across the bar catches your eye…

She might smile…

But most likely she’s not gonna think anything of you standing there with your two friends.

You look like every other guy in the bar.


Let’s remove your two buddies…

And replace them with two attractive women.

Now instead of standing with your buddies, you’re chatting with two good looking gals.

This changes everything.

You have now piqued the interest of the woman across the bar.

She might be wondering “ok, who is this guy?”…

Or “I wonder if he’s with the blonde one?”

She is now thinking about you a LOT more than she was when you were standing next to your buddies.

This is the power of social proof.

It shows you’re pre-selected…

And desired by others…

And that is very, very powerful in both dating and copy.

Cause here’s the truth…

We all tend to look to others for clues…

So when we see everyone around us going to the same event, or buying the same shoes, or pining after the same guy – we take note. 

It’s an easy way to see what’s desirable…

And for us to know what we should desire.

It’s all based on social proof.

So next time you’re writing copy…

Think about how you can pack more social proof into your copy.

If you can do that, you’ll get a lot more people to buy…

And your bank account will thank you. 

Social proof, social proof, social proof…

Enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.