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Many years ago I was listening to a Dan Kennedy course and he mentioned that there are two types of people who buy his products…

1.  The starving and desperate who are looking for a life raft

2.  The already successful who frankly don’t need it, but they’re always looking for a “slight edge”

I think this is a fairly true assessment.

Cause I’ve seen the same thing in my life.

If you look at some of the people in our mastermind they are WILDLY successful.

Guys like Nick Daniel of VShred who is on pace to have a $200 million company…

Or Jay Deiboldt of Credit Secrets who is on pace to have a $100 million in sales in the next year or so.

Would these guys be out on the streets without our mastermind?

Of course not.

They’d do just fine.

But the reason they’re in the group is simple…

They practice the principle of a “slight edge”.

They know that just one idea from the group could add millions to their bottom line. 

That one idea could be a new ad format they learn…

It could be an email promo…

It could be an upsell tactic…

Whatever it is, they’re always looking for an edge.

This is something I’ve practiced all my life as well.

If you look at the money I spend in my business on learning from smart people, you’ll see I get a whole host of products…

I get Ben Settle’s products…

I get Dan Kennedy’s newsletters…

I get Brian Kurtz’s stuff…

I get Traffic & Funnels monthly memos…

I have Travis Sago’s email stuff…

I bought Rob Skrob’s continuity course…

The list goes on and on.

Why does somebody like me, who’s already a multi-millionaire continue to spend money on these products?


I know that just one idea from any of these products could be worth 6 or 7 figures to me.


I get to learn from people who have already done what I want to do.

So instead of learning the ins-and-outs of a book funnel the hard way, I just learn it from someone who’s been running a successful book funnel for a few years.

That’s what I want.   

And I am GLAD to pay good money to learn from someone who’s already done it.

That means less time and money wasted for me.

So the big takeaway here is that you always want to be practicing the principal of a “slight edge”.

You want to learn from people who are more successful than you.

This is what I do.

And it’s what all the “big dogs” who are killing it, do as well. 

So I suggest you do the same.

The last few days I told you about the $1 trial that Rich Schefren is running on his “virtual mastermind” called Steal Our Winners.

Basically every month Rich interviews 6 really smart marketers and gets them to spill the beans on a specific marketing tactic that’s working for them.

I’m going to be in the upcoming issue that comes out this week teaching my OLOF method for upsells that convert at 30-50%. 

Some of the other people who have been in past issues are superstar marketers like Anthony Morrison, Keith Krance, Todd Brown, Curt Maly, Mike Filsaime and more.

So it’s a “who’s who” of marketers that you get to learn from.

And like I said, Rich is running a special where you can test it out for just $1.

And if you like what’s shared, you can stay subscribed.

If you don’t, you can simply cancel.

It’s pretty simple. 

This “virtual mastermind” is a great example of practicing the principle of a slight edge. 

So if you haven’t taken Rich up on his $1 trial yet, then I suggest doing that.

If you want access to my interview in the January issue, you need to be subscribed before midnight tonight.

So if that appeals to ya, give the link below a click and check it out.

-> $1 trial for Steal Our Winners


– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.