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Yesterday I mentioned that I was gonna share some of my biggest insights from working with my mindset coach (Brent Charleton) this week.

Well, mother nature decided to put the kybosh that.

Cause this morning I woke up to freezing rain and icy roads in Austin. 

So I won’t be driving out to Brent’s house to work with him this week. 


I still want to share some of the valuable things I’ve learned from Brent over the years with you.

These are things that have helped me to make more money, to grow as a person, and to enjoy life more…

So let’s dig into the first one…

This one goes all the way back to the first intensive I did with Brent in 2018.

And it’s one of the most fundamental things you need to get right in order to feel like you’re in control of your life…

And that’s boundaries.

You might roll your eyes at that, and think “yeh, yeh I know about boundaries already”.

And you might KNOW about them.

I certainly knew about them…

But I didn’t actually have any boundaries. 

I was like a sheet flapping in the wind.

Everything that people said to me, I took on and took to heart. 

I’ll give you an example…

Back in 2018 I told a potential client that I was raising my rates from $30k to $100k for a full funnel.

So for $100k I’d do all the strategy for coming up with the offer, writing the sales page, and creating the upsells as well.

When I presented this to the client, he got visibly upset. 

And snapped back saying “that’s insane, no one is gonna pay that”.

Now here’s what’s interesting…

If I had really bad boundaries, I would have taken his words on, and taken them to heart.

But I didn’t do that.


Cause I knew that what I was offering was easily worth $100k to the right client. 

So I simply told him “seems like we’re not a great fit, let me know if you need help finding a writer that’s a better fit for your budget”.

And I left it at that. 

I didn’t question myself…

Or wonder if I was in the wrong.

I understood that this guy was free to believe that I was charging too much…

But I didn’t have to take that on.

That was HIS opinion.

I can tell ya that having boundaries like this in my business is a big change from how I used to be.

Cause back when I had no boundaries…

I would have instantly gave in to this guy.

I probably would have apologized…

And lowered my rate…

And as a result…

I would have been steaming the entire time I worked with him.

This is how I was for many, many years before I worked on my boundaries.

I had no sense of putting myself first.

I just did what others wanted.

And I was miserable because of it.

I felt helpless…

Like I had no control over my life.

And that’s a pretty shitty spot to be in.

You don’t want that.

You want to be in control of your own life.

And that starts with boundaries.

Brent taught me that having boundaries means I get to choose what I let in…

And what I take on…

And that it’s ok to put myself first.

That was a big change for me.

And my hope is that this email helps push you to establish better boundaries.

Remember YOU come first. 

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.