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One of the most important things I’ve learned from Brent is something that is the exact opposite of what you’d hear from David Goggins and Grant Cardone…

Cause it’s not about being harder on yourself…

Or pushing yourself more…

The thing Brent taught me that made a massive difference with my mindset was simply being “gentler” on myself. 

I remember when he first brought this up to me, I didn’t want to hear it.


What am I some kind of pansy?

I saw myself as a hard-charging entrepreneur…

The kind that didn’t make any excuses…

But the longer I’ve worked with Brent, the more I’ve embraced his philosophy of being gentler on myself.


Cause the truth is…

If you’re already ambitious…

And a doer… 

You don’t need to push yourself any harder.

You have that part down.

You already have more than enough drive to accomplish what you want. 

What you really need is to not be so hard on yourself when things don’t go exactly as you wanted…

And that can look like a lot of things…

Maybe it’s…

– launching a new product, and being ok with it doing 80% of what you thought it would do

– taking time away from work to recharge (and not feeling guilty about it)

– writing copy for a client that doesn’t convert (and being ok with that since your last 3 promos did well)

– watching trashy TV like the Kardashians or WWE simply because you like it and it’s entertaining (and not beating yourself up over the fact that you’re watching TV and not being productive)

I could give you plenty more examples…

But you get the point.

In my experience most entrepreneurs tend to be perfectionists.

Which means you think you can’t make mistakes…

And you always have to be working…

And if you’re not being productive, then whatever you’re doing is a waste of time. 

I used to think like that too…

But over the past couple years, Brent has helped me to “soften that”.

And now I’m able to be a little gentler on myself.

I don’t beat myself up so much…

And I’m not overly critical on myself. 

When you boil it down, this is really about getting away from the “perfectionist” mindset…

And transitioning to a more “realistic” mindset. 

That’s what it’s about. 

So I highly recommend embracing it.

You’ll feel lighter…

And you won’t always be on edge…

And you’ll simply enjoy your life (and your work) a lot more. 

It’s a good spot to be.

So I hope you try it. 

Alright, I need to wrap this up.

Hope you got a nugget or two of wisdom from this.

Enjoy your Wednesday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.