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One of the most embarrassing things that can happen in a guy’s life is having to tuck your tail between your legs and move back into your parent’s house. 

Talk about brutal.

You feel like a complete failure…

Like you’re not even a real man…

And that doesn’t even factor in what women think of you.

Cause the minute a woman hears that you’re living with your parents, you’re gonna be the butt of every joke in her group chat for the next month.

So it’s a rough spot to be in…

And most guys will do anything to avoid it.


This is the exact spot that copywriter Austin Lee was in just a few years ago.

After a promising real estate career fell apart for Austin…

He found himself without any money…

And without any job prospects…

So with nothing going for him, and nothing on the horizon, he hung his head down and moved back into his parents’ basement in Denver, Colorado.

At the time, Austin didn’t know what he was gonna do to make money.

But for a few months, there had always been one thing on his mind.


Austin was on a number of copywriting lists at the time, and he was always seeing stories of people making good money writing copy.

He wasn’t sure if any of it was real…

Or if it was possible for him…

After all, he wasn’t a writer…

But the more he saw the stories, the more interested he became.

And that little bit of interest eventually snowballed into a decision that would change his life forever. 

Cause while he was in his parents basement, Austin signed up for a copy training program called Copyhour.

Which is a 90-day program that pushes you to handwrite a new piece of copy every single day.

Austin thought this was a huge opportunity…

So he signed up…

And day-by-day he did the writing assignments that Derek gave him.

He was working on his headlines…

And his sales arguments…

And even injecting more emotion into his copy…

And before he knew it, the 90 days was up.

He had completed the program. 

Which was a big accomplishment…

But what’s even more impressive is what happened to Austin after he went through Copyhour…

Because of his new copy skills…

Austin eventually was introduced to Dan Ferrari (one of the best copywriters in the game)…

And Dan brought Austin in to his agency to help him write for two clients, Profits Run and Agora Financial.

This was a huge win for Austin.

And one that gave him a much needed boost of confidence…

But luckily for him, he didn’t stop there…

Cause if you fast forward to today…

Austin is one of the top financial copywriters in the game, and he regularly pulls in $20k-$30k a month.

But unlike most successful people…

He’s not one of those “all work and no play” guys.

Cause he spends a good chunk of his year traveling to fun spots like  Bali, Tokyo and Copenhagen.

And when he’s in Colorado, or one of the coasts, he’s snowboarding at least twenty times a year as well… 

So the guy is living a good life…

And he’s come a long way from eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in his parents basement.

So kudos to Austin for that…

And kudos for being a shining example of what’s possible…

Now if hearing Austin’s story has you motivated…

And you’re interested in following in his foot steps…

Then I highly suggest you do what Austin did…

And join Copyhour.

If you’re not familiar with Copyhour, it’s a 90-day copy training program run by Derek Johanson.

And the program has already helped launch the careers of some of the most successful copywriters today such as Austin, Ning Li, Dan Ferrari, Chris, Orzechowski, Randall Pruitt, Jamie Lynch and Ian Stanley.

And the reason the program works so well is because it prompts you to write every day (even if it’s for only 15 minutes)…

And if you simply write everyday…

And you follow the prompts that Derek gives you, your copy skills will start to compound. 

Your words will start to grab people’s attention…

It’ll tap into their deepest problems…

And it’ll eventually persuade a good chunk of the people reading to buy whatever you’re selling.

That’s what the program is all about.

It’s about compounding your copy skills day after day.

And it flat out works.

But here’s the thing…

As good as Copyhour is…

And as many lives as it’s changed…

One of the best parts about the program is the price.

Cause most programs like Copyhour that train you over 2 or 3 months usually cost upwards of $2500  or $3500.

So they’re not cheap.

But with Copyhour, you don’t have to pay anything near that.


Cause Derek who runs the program is set on helping as many people as possible to get good at copy…  

So if you join Copyhour today… 

You won’t pay $2500 or $3500…

Instead it’s just $297. 

And you can even break that up into three monthly payments of $99 if you want.

So anyway you look at it, it’s a hell of a deal.

And if you’re serious about getting good at copy…

Whether that’s cause you want to be a highly-paid freelancer…

Or because you want to write better copy for your own business…

Or because you’re a marketer or media buyer and you know getting better at copy will help you to make more moolah…

Whatever the reason, if you want the simplest, most effective way to get good at copy in the next 90 days…

Then I highly suggest you snag a spot in the first 2024 cohort of Copyhour that just opened.

Derek (who runs Copyhour) only runs this program twice a year…

And he is currently enrolling the January cohort right now…  

So if getting really good at copy in the next 90 days appeals to you…

I suggest you give Copyhour a look right here

This program is proven to change lives (as you saw with Austin’s story). 

So if you want to level-up your copy skills like he did…

I suggest you read all about Copyhour and see if it’s a fit for you at the link below…

-> Write 6 and 7-figure copy in the next 90 days

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.