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I’m pretty strict about getting things done in the morning that really move the needle in my business…

For example…

This morning from 8 AM – 9 AM I wrote about 18 pages of a PDF all about how to be a direct response millionaire.

I’ve been procrastinating on writing this…

And only getting a few pages done each day…

But today, I just dove in.

I blocked everything out.

And I wrote for an hour straight.

The result?

18 pages done.   

I have about 70% of the report done at this point.

So I’m gonna finish the rest of it today and tomorrow.

But that’s kind of besides the point…

My big lesson here is that for the things that really matter in your business, you want to do them first thing in the morning.


Cause as the day goes on, more stuff will just come up.

You’ll get urgent emails…

Slack messages…

Texts from your spouse…

Whatever it is.

Shit just pops up throughout the day.

It always happens.

And there’s not really a way to fend against it.

That’s why I’m a big believer in doing your most important stuff first.

While you’re still fresh…

And alert.

And there’s not a million things that need to be done.

I’m sure you’ve heard this before…

And I know it’s a very simple concept.

But sometimes it’s the simple things that really move the needle. 

And this is a needle mover.

Get the stuff that matters done first.

Your bank account will thank you for it.

Enjoy your Thursday, 

– Justin


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