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My Youtube video from yesterday spurred a lot of questions about a topic I talked about in the video called “buyer lenses”. 

So I’m gonna expand on it for you.

Here’s the deal…

Most people see whatever topic it is you’re selling through a specific lens.

So the example I always give is in the survival niche, the lens they see everything through is “mistrust”.

Those guys don’t trust anybody.

They don’t trust food companies…

They don’t trust anyone in the media…

They don’t trust the company making sunscreen.

They think everyone is trying to screw them over.

And that they have a hidden agenda…

This is why “mistrust” angles work really, really well when selling to this niche.

Cause that’s the lens they see everything through…

I’ll give ya another example…

I’ve coached copywriters for the past four years and one of the main lenses that copywriters see copywriting through is a “defective” lens.

So they feel like they’re lacking the skills they need.

And they they’re thinking things like…

“I feel like other writers are better than me”

“Why would they hire me over someone else?”

“I’m worried my copy isn’t any good”

“I don’t know what to say to clients”

Do you see how all of these thoughts have a “defective” feel to them?

They feel like they’re lacking in skills…

And as a result, it’s causing them a lot of worry, pain and shame. 

So if you’re trying to sell to copywriters…

It’d be useful to know that they see copywriting through this “defective lens”.

Cause you could easily come up with copy and offers to fix that (a good example would be templates for writing copy, and also templates for what to say to clients). 

Point being…

Most people have 2-3 main “lenses” through which they see whatever it is you’re selling.

And if you’re gonna be in a niche for a few years…

Or you’re constantly writing to the same niche again and again.

It’s worth knowing the “lens” they see things through.

Cause it will make you a lot more dough.

And if you want to know more about these “buyer lenses”, I explained it all in my new Youtube video. 

Just fast forward to the 29:33 mark of the video, and you’ll see the part about “buyer lenses”.

You can check that out here.

Hope this was helpful.

Enjoy your Wednesday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.