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Here’s a tip that will save you from a ton of headaches in business (and in life)…

Before you jump into anything, make sure you are aware of all the realities (both good and bad) that that thing entails.

For example…

I’ve been considering bringing back my print newsletter that I had back in 2021.


Cause I loved writing it…

Every month I would sit down at my kitchen table, zone out and write about copy ideas, marketing strategies and emotional triggers.

I loved geeking out on this.

And writing all 16 pages of it was truly fun for me.

However, if I want to do it again…

I need to be aware that writing the newsletter is just one part of that business.

The reality is that there’s a whole bunch of other obstacles to running a print newsletter that are NOT fun at all. 

Things like… 

– the customer service is a nightmare with people constantly needing to change their address, or update their credit card number (now multiply this by 600+ members and things needing changed every month and it’s a lot to manage even if I’m not doing it myself)

– international shipping is a complete clusterfuck.  Between things getting held up at customs, and terrible postal setups in other countries, shipping is one headache after another

– the cost of shipping and printing a newsletter continues to go up eating into the profit margins

– selling a newsletter is not easy.  It requires some type of killer offer with the newsletter attached ot the backend.  So I would have to create that…

– and lastly, keeping a continuity program filled and replacing the people who churn each month is a full time job in itself.  

I could go on and on with the downsides of this…

But you get the point.

As much as I loved writing the newsletter when I had it…

There’s also a lot of realites that come along with running it that I’m not too enthused about.

I haven’t made a decision on whether or not I’m going to do it…

But my point here is that you always want to be aware of the realities of what you’re getting into.

You can’t just see the “good stuff”…

You gotta see the stuff that sucks as well.

If you can do that, you’ll make a lot better decisions…

And save yourself from a ton of headaches.

So always be aware of the realities.

Enjoy your weekend,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.