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A question came in from a reader last night asking if I could share more examples of people who have made deals to acquire assets like email lists, Facebook groups, courses etc…

So I’ll rattle a few off for ya…

– Brian Kurtz acquired probably the most heralded book in the copywriting space (Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz) and now sells a couple copies a day at $125 each on autopilot (talk about nice passive income)…

– A friend of mine in the survival space acquired a 200k person survival email list a few years back for like $5,000 after the survival company went out of business and filed for bankruptcy.  The rest of the business wasn’t worth shit, but he was smart enough to scoop up the email list, and went on to make multiple 7-figures from that list over the years… 

– I recently struck a deal with Jordan Hall to take over my Copy Campus Facebook group (it’ll have a new name, new angle and we will be announcing everything in the coming weeks).  I was hardly using the group before, but it’s extremely valuable as there’s 20,000+ people in the group.  So Jordan and I worked out a deal for him to take over the group and we’ll each get a % of the revenue it generates

– I have a friend in the men’s dating space who lost interest in the niche and moved on to something else, so his big dating list was just lying there collecting dust. Another marketer we both know hit him up, told him he would take over the list, and offered to kick him back 40% of the profits.  They made a deal, and now they’re both making a healthy 5-figures a month from the list

– Many years ago my friend Dave Sinick was consulting with a site called PaleoHacks that was a big content site running Google Adsense to make money.  The site was making like $6k a month from from SEO traffic, but Dave knew it had huge potential due to it’s underutilized email list.  So he found a partner to help buy the site (Mike Geary).  Within a year after buying it, Mike had made all his money back from the purchase (great ROI). And since then him and Dave have turned PaleoHacks into a thriving 8-figure cash machine with a bunch of different cookbook offers, supplements and kitchen gadgets.

I could go on and on with this…

But the point is simple…

There are underutilized assets EVERYWHERE in our industry. 

So if you’re smart…

You can scoop these assets up for pennies on the dollar (or even for free)…

And make a lot of dough with them.

I personally have not done a ton of this myself…

But I will be in 2024.

And pretty much everything I’m learning about acquiring assets is from the new book that Roland Frasier and Jay Abraham just put out.

It’s called “Business Wealth Without Risk”.

And it’s all about how to use creative deal-making to acquire assets for $0 upfront…

Roland and Jay could have easily sold this thing as a $5,000 course.

But instead, they put it all in a book…

And you can snag it for like $18 on Amazon.

So it’s a hell of a deal…

Be aware though, this is an advanced level book.

It’s not for newbies…

You need to have a good understanding of how a business works and how the numbers work.

Otherwise it’ll be way over your head…

So if you understand that stuff…

And you’re interested in acquiring assets like email lists, Facebook groups, websites, or other businesses…

I suggest popping over to Amazon and picking the book up right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.