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Here’s a simple way to get more people to read your emails…

Tap into people that are in the news.

For example…

Right now, Taylor Swift is everywhere…

She recently had the biggest music tour ever…

She’s at NFL games every weekend cheering on her boyfriend, Travis Kelce…

Hell, there’s even been “Taylor Watch” for the last 24 hours to see if her flight from Tokyo will make it to Vegas for the Super Bowl today…

So she’s everywhere…

And she’s on people’s minds…

Which is why she’s the perfect example of someone you should tap into in your copy.

And the cool thing is, you can do this in pretty much every niche…

For example…

Let’s say you’re in the men’s dating niche…

You could easily write an email about the fact that even though Taylor Swift is a billionaire…

And she’s incredibly famous…

When she’s with her boyfriend (Travis Kelce), Travis does a great job of leading and taking charge and allowing her to relax and follow his lead (which is what most women want)…

You could easily tell this story…

And use it as a lesson teaching your guys that they need to lead with women…

And then at the end of your email…

If you have a course, or coaching to sell, you simply end the email with…

“If you want to be the kind of man that leads and has women following him, then check this out right here”

There’s nothing complicated about that email.

You’re simply taking a hot topic (Taylor Swift)…

And tying it in to what you teach.

It’s not rocket science.

Literally anyone can do it.

And I guarantee if you use it…

You’ll get a lot more people opening and reading your emails.

So if you ever struggle to come up with ideas for emails…

Simply tap into a topic (or a person) that’s hot.

It’s a proven winner.

Enjoy your Sunday

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.