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One of the best things that can happen to you is getting kicked in the teeth and reminded that “you are not your customer”.

For example…

At our virtual Copy Accelerator event, we offered people at the event the opportunity to enroll in our LITE program.

And a bunch of people did.

I think 54 people signed up when all was said and done.

However a good chunk of those people wouldn’t have signed up if it wasn’t for something my partner Stefan Georgi realized.

During the event, Stefan quickly realized that most of the people signing up were copywriters (as opposed to business owners which we usually have more of).

And for the copywriters, their number #1 need was clients.

So in the middle of the event, Stefan hit up a bunch of different business owners and asked them if they wanted a sales letter written by our new LITE members.

The deal was, for $15k they’d get 10 different sales letters written for their product.

Stefan and I would help copy chief these…

And we’d send the business owner the top 3 sales letters when they were finished.

So the business owner is getting 3 versions of a sales letter for $15k…

Which is a killer deal.

But more importantly for us, our new LITE members got new copywriting jobs.

Some of the members even wound up winning multiple jobs.

So this is a win for Stefan and I.

And also a big win for the LITE members.

But here’s the thing I want you to take away from this story…

This was only possible because Stefan was thinking like our customer thinks.

Getting clients is not hard for Stefan and I.

So it’s not something that him and I ever think about.

But for a copywriter who’s still up-and-coming…

Getting new clients is a huge deal.

It’s the main thing they’re focused on.

And Stefan was smart enough to see that.


Wanted to share this with you cause it’s a good reminder that no matter how good you get at marketing, you still need to keep in mind that you are not your customer.  

You don’t worry about the things they worry about…

You don’t get upset by the things they get upset about…

Cause you are NOT them.

Keep that in mind, and your bank account will thank you for it.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.