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There’s a great story in Roland Frasier and Jay Abraham’s new book that shows how Roland acquired a 53,000 person Facebook group in the real estate niche entirely for free.

Here’s the story…

A few years ago, Roland came across a very active Facebook group which had 53,000 real estate agents in it.

At the time it was the 2nd biggest group on Facebook for real estate agents.

However the guy who owned the group, was NOT monetizing it.

It was simply a passion project of his.

So Roland approached him about buying the group.


Cause Roland is a part owner in a real estate brokerage…

So he knew if he simply got a few agents from the group into his brokerage, the group would quickly pay for itself.

However Roland doesn’t like buying things with money upfront.

He likes to get creative when he buys something…

So here’s what he did…

First, he asked the guy how much he wanted for the group…

The guy said $125,000.

Roland took that number as a starting point, and negotiated it down to $75,000. 

After that he basically told the guy “look you’re not making any money right now with the group,and we have some big plans for generating revenue with the group, so we’re gonna give you $75k from the first cash we generate from the group”

At this point the guy agreed to the deal.

So Roland was on the hunt for ways to quickly get this guy his $75k…

So what did he do?

He got in touch with a big mortgage broker and said “I have access to 53,000 agents, would you like to be a sponsor of our group, and put your own content in the group for the chance at getting business from them?”

The mortgage broker said “absolutely”.

So Roland got him to agree to be a sponsor of the group for $50,000.

So at this point they already had $50k of the $75k purchase price covered.

They just needed to find another $25k…

So Roland approached a training company for real estate agents and offered them a similar opportunity to be the go-to training company in the group for $25k a year…

The training company snapped the deal up right away…

So in a matter of a few weeks Roland got $50k from the mortgage broker and $25k from the training company…

So he was able to pay off the $75k purchase price…

At this point he owned the group outright. 

And now that the group was fully his…

He could start enrolling a bunch of the agents into his brokerage…

He could sell them other trainings…

He could run live events…

He could bring on new sponsors…

The opportunities were endless.

I thought that story was really unique…

And the way Roland thinks sparked a bunch of ideas for me… 

Mostly it had me thinking about things I could acquire myself…

Stuff like dormant offers, facebook groups, youtube channels, old email lists etc…

Maybe that’s interesting to you as well…

Maybe it’s not…

But if it is, I’d highly recommend checking out Roland and Jay’s new book “Business Wealth Without Risk”.

I just finished reading it on Sunday…

It’s all about how to acquire assets (like businesses, websites, Facebook groups, email lists etc…) without putting any money down. 

It’s a damn good book.

And it already has my juices flowing…

One caveat though…

This is an advanced level book.

It’s certainly not for newbies…

You need to have a good idea of how businesses work to understand the book…

So if that’s you…

And you want to learn more about acquiring assets to grow your business…

I suggest popping over to Amazon and picking the book up right here.

– Justin

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