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Over the last few years, my buddy Ning Li (a true A-list copywriter) has helped Paleohacks add over 510,000 new buyers to their email list!


Think about that.

That’s more people than you’d find living in a city like Miami, Atlanta or Pittsburgh.

Pretty impressive.

And as a result of Ning’s list building skills, the current Paleohacks list has over 1.1 million people on it.

Why does this matter?

Because their email list is where they make all their profit.

Everytime Paleohacks sends an email promoting one of their cooking knives…

Or their avocado oil…

Or even an affiliate offer…

They make between $6k-$8k in profit.

And on most days they send two emails to the list (one in the morning, and one at night).

So in an average day, their list makes them around $12k-$15k.

If you add that up, it’s over $400k a month…

And around $4.9 million for the year…

Pretty crazy.

This is why I’m such a big advocate of having an email list.

Especially one that has actual buyers on it (like Paleohacks does)…

Cause it’s a money-making machine…

Obviously there’s lots of ways you can build a list…

You can setup an optin page and put people on your list from there…

You can also create a $49 or $97 offer and put the buyers of that offer onto your email list.

Both those ways work…

And I’ve used both methods at certain points in my career.


The method that Paleohacks uses is quite unique.

And it’s something they’ve perfected over the last few years. 

They built their list with something I call low-priced, “pocket change” offers. 

These “pocket change” offers usually cost between $3 and $10…

And they’re designed to do two things…

1.  They put a BUYER on your list 

2.  The revenue from the “pocket change” offer allows them to offset their ad costs (this means they’re usually getting a new buyer onto their email list for FREE)

So the “pocket change” offer allows Paleohacks to add hundreds of new buyers to their email list each day.

Which is why they now have a 1.1 million person email list…

And why they’re able to bring in over $4.9 million a year from that list. 

It’s all because of their “pocket change” offers.

The cool thing is, you can mimic these “pocket change” offers in every niche out there.

There’s ones currently running in niches like financial, politics, copywriting, pets, supplements, internet marketing, dating, fitness, survival and more…

So no matter what niche you’re in…

You can use a “pocket change” offer to build yourself a massive email list. 

So if that appeals to you…

I suggest you keep your eyes peeled for an email from me tomorrow morning.

Cause that email will have the deets on a training me and Ning Li (the guy who’s perfected the “pocket change” offer) are hosting next week.

We’ll show you the exact steps you need to take to build your own massive email list (for free) with a pocket change offer. 

So if that interests you…

Be sure to check out my email tomorrow morning…

Talk soon,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.