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During Thanksgiving in 2016, Robin Burke hit rock bottom when his alcohol and drug addiction took over his life.

He was on 3-day bender…

He had a bottle of Jack on his pillow next to him…

And his drug dealer on speed dial, ready to meet him at a moment’s notice.

His family knew why he wasn’t going to make it to Thanksgiving…

And they couldn’t bare the thought of him ruining his life like this.

So to say Robin was in a bad place at the time would be a big understatement.

He was truly at rock bottom.

But fast forward to today, and his life couldn’t be anymore different.

Since then, he’s been completely sober for 4 years.

And in 2020, Robin made a big career change as he stumbled on the world of copywriting while working the nightshift at an addiction clinic.

With a lot of free time on his hands during the nightshift, he started reading every copywriting book he could get his hands on.

He studied headlines…

And leads…

And even wrote some of his own ads to practice.

All of this studying, spurred a desire in Robin to get good at copywriting.

He didn’t know how he was gonna do it…

Or even what to do…

But he jumped in head first.

He started with some courses on Udemy…

And eventually found his way to a Copy Accelerator live event.

And at that event things started to shift for Robin.

He decided to really go all-in on copywriting. 

Well that was about 8 months ago…

So where’s he at today?

Well for the last few months, he’s consistently having $7k months writing copy…

And he’s even on pace this month to break $10k…

Which is insane.

Talk about a fast start.

Which is why I really wanted to sit down with Robin and dig into his story…

We recently talked about what his first year as a freelance copywriter has been like.

We talk about the ups and downs…

The good and the bad…

And even how he’s using things he learned in recovery to make his copy better. 

If you’re a copywriter (or you want to be one) this will be a very inspiring interview for you to watch.

It’s up on my Youtube channel now…

So I highly suggest giving it a watch at the link below.

-> He was a full blown alcoholic…now he’s sober and making 7k a month as a copywriter

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.