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After the call I hosted last week on “how to dig up the hidden money in an email list” I got a barrage of emails asking if I could do another call on the topic.

People wanted more real-world examples of how to find the hidden money in an email list…

And a detailed, step-by-step process that they could implement…

So after seeing a lot of interest in this…

I hit up Jordan Hall to see if he’d be down to do another call sharing his “hidden money” process in more depth.

At first he was a little hesitant…

Cause this is the same stuff he teaches in his $15k mastermind.

But after a little prodding…

I finally got him to agree to do a 90 minute training with me where he’s going to break down his entire process for digging up the “hidden money” in an email list.

This will be a paid training…

And we’re going to limit the number of people who can be on the call…

But what Jordan is going to share is the same process that’s allowed him to go into other people’s email lists and get paid $40k, $70k and even $130k for just a few days work.

So it’s a pretty unique thing he’s doing…

And if you’re a copywriter, once you learn this, this is something you’ll be able to do for your clients (and get paid very, very handsomely for it)…

And if you have your own list, you can use this process to “dig up” your best buyers and make yourself a nice 5 or 6 figures in just a few days…

So if that piques your interest…

Be on the lookout for an email I’m gonna send you tomorrow morning.

That email will have all the deets on the training…

And it’ll also show you how you can snag one of the limited spots on the training for yourself.

More info heading your way soon…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.