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If you’ve written winning email controls before, this may interest you…

One of my big projects for 2023 is putting together the greatest collection of email swipes ever assembled.

I want this swipe file to live on for years to come…

So what I’m doing is reaching out to all the TOP copywriters and seeing if they’ll submit some of their best performing email swipes for the file.

I’ve already reached out to people like Jerrod Harlan, Ryan Healy, Chris Haddad, Alex Cattoni, Tanner Henkel, Tony Flores, Fran Rengel, Henry Bingaman, Dave Baumann, Dan Ferrari and more…

And I have a list of about 30 more people that I still need to reach out to.

So I’m putting a lot of effort into this…

Cause I want the swipe file to be GREAT. 

So here’s the opportunity I have for you…

If you’ve written a winning email control before, and you’d like to have your email featured in the swipe file, please forward that email to me.

To be clear I’m only looking for TOP performing emails for this. 

I want emails that were sent numerous times, and continued to be a control when tested against other emails (i.e. you didn’t just send this once to your list)

If you have any emails like this (for any niche), I’d love to feature them in the swipe file.

And as my way of saying “thanks” for contributing, I’m gonna give you a free copy of the swipe file once its complete. 

So if that interests you…

And your emails fit the criteria outlined above…

Forward your best winning control emails to me at  

Feel free to add a little context for me in terms of how the email did, and how long it ran for.

My goal is to make this the best damn email swipe file ever assembled…

So if you have winning control emails, I’d love for them to be a part of it.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.