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If you want a short and sweet description of why people buy most direct response offers, it’s this…

They want to “beat the system”.

Here’s what I mean by that…

Let’s say your dream is to retire with $5 million in the bank and have yourself a little beach house in Mexico.

The normal way to do that is to work hard, drastically cut your expenses and put 50% of your income each year into an index fund.

If you make good money, and you do that for 30 or 40 years, you’ll have a nice nest egg and a little beach house to boot.

So the “usual” solution works…

But it requires a lot of commitment…

And a ton of sacrifice…

And most people don’t want that.

What do they want?

They want to invest $100 in a random crypto coin, and watch it 50,000x over the next year…

That way they have 5 million bucks.

That’s beating the system.

Which is fundamentally what most people want.

I’ll give ya another example…

In the men’s dating niche, the typical way for a guy who’s not good with women to get good is to go out 4-5x a week, talk to 15 women a night, and in a couple years that guy will be good with women.

Plenty of guys have done this…

And they’ve turned themself from awkward nerds into smooth Casanovas…

The problem is, this is a TON of work…

It’s constant rejection… 

And never ending embarrassment…

Well guess what?

Most guys don’t want that.

They’d rather find a way to “beat the system”.

So what do they do?

They buy a course that gives them a bunch of copy & paste messages to use on Tinder to get more dates…

Or they hire a matchmaker…

Or they try to rekindle things with an old girlfriend…

In some cases, they might even pay for a mail order bride in Russia or Thailand. 

All these solutions are easier than going out 4 nights a week and getting rejected over and over again.

Remember this…

People will always gravitate to the path of least resistance.

And this goes for pretty much every niche out there…

Weight loss…





Dating & Relationships…

There are very few people in this world who are interested in putting in the long term work and effort required to master most things. 

That’s the truth.

So if the solution you offer requires a ton of effort and committment on their part…

You will have a very, very small pool of buyers. 

Feel free to do what you want with that info…

But if you want to make a lot of sales…

Make sure you’re helping people “beat the system”. 

Cause that’s what they want.

Enjoy your Saturday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.