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Yesterday on my way to the gym, I turned on Howard Stern and was surprised to see him interviewing Hillary Clinton.


Because he’s been trying to get her on his show since the 2016 election.

And despite his constant efforts, it never happened.

But yesterday she finally came on.

And I have to say the interview was fascinating.

And not from a political angle…

But from a marketing angle.

Here’s why…

Hillary has always had a reputation of being “cold and unrelatable”.

Mostly because she’s a policy wonk.

So she likes talking about the 73 ways we could fix the healthcare system…

Or the in-depth nature of the capital gains tax.

Well guess what?

The average American doesn’t care about that.

They don’t care about the details.

They care about whether or not they like you.

That’s their main thing.

I witnessed this firsthand growing up with my parents. 

They’d vote for Bush in one election, and then four years later they voted for Obama.

No rhyme or reason.

They simply liked Bush and Obama as people.

So they voted for them.

Which sounds crazy…

But this is how the majority of people who determine elections in the US vote.

And that brings me back to Hillary Clinton….

Hillary has never faired well in the “I like this person” test.

She has an air of being an elitist…

Her smiles can feel fake…

And she just doesn’t connect with people on a human-to-human level.

Which really hurts her.

Cause you need that relatability to be President.

And this is why I found her interview with Howard Stern so fascinating.

Cause in the interview she finally let down her guard.

She wasn’t so “buttoned up”.

One story in particular that she shared was the story of how her and Bill Clinton met. 

She mentioned that when she met Bill in college she actually had a serious boyfriend at the time. 

But her and Bill started hanging out, and then she found herself falling for him. 

She talked about how she felt guilty about it.  And how she felt like her heart was being pulled in two different directions.

Finally, she decided to end things with her boyfriend.   So she drove up to Vermont tell him that it was over.   

When I heard her share this story, I was surprised.

Cause most politicians wouldn’t share a story that puts them in a bad light. 

They want you to think they’re perfect.

And that they have all the answers.

But guess what?

Sharing this story of meeting Bill while she had a boyfriend made her much more relatable.

I actually had empathy for her.

I know what it’s like to be dating someone, and then have feelings for someone else.

It sucks.

So I could relate. 

What’s more…

Even though I disagree with Hillary on most of her policies, after hearing the interview I felt like I understood her point of view better.

And I related to her as a person.

She would have been smart to do this in the previous election.

Less policy talk…

And more sharing who she is. 

That’s the key. 

Cause if you want to have influence over people, the first step is getting those people to like you.

Simple idea, but it’s one that most people get wrong.

Keep that in mind.

– Justin

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