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Back when I was in college, I learned a very valuable direct marketing lesson by watching my buddy Paul talk to girls at the bar every week…

And here’s what I mean…

Most guys when they go to a bar, hang out with their buddies, and then if they see a girl they like, they’ll try and muster up the courage to go talk to them.

Ususally this is later in the night…

After the guy has had a few drinks to boost his confidence.

It might end up working out with girl…

It might not…

But for most guys who are single, this is how they approach meeting girls at a bar. 

Well my buddy Paul was nothing like this.

In fact he was the complete opposite.

Unlike most guys, Paul didn’t wait until he saw a girl he was into to start talking to her.

From the minute he walked in the bar, he just talked to every girl in there.

Didn’t matter what the girl looked like…

Didn’t matter if she was with a guy…

He talked to every girl he saw.

And here’s what’s interesting…

Paul got rejected WAYYY more than any of us ever did.

And some of those rejections I still laugh about today (like the time when a girl told him to “grow a few inches, then try again”)

But on the other hand…

Paul also got a lot more girls than I did.

And it had nothing to do with his looks…

Or his “game”.

He was a pretty average looking dude.

But Paul still got a ton of girls.


Because he simply took more swings than I did.  

When you talk to 30 girls in a night, the odds of one of them being into you, are a lot better than if you talk to 2 of them.

And that’s something Paul proved over and over again when we were in college.

Now aside from picking up women in a bar…

There’s actually a very important lesson in here.

And it’s one that can make you a lot of dough in the direct marketing world.

It’s also a lesson that behemoth’s like Agora Financial put all of their focus on.

And that’s “whoever takes the most swings, wins”.

Let’s say you run a financial newsletter company…

And you put out 3 new offers a year…

And you’re trying to compete with Agora who puts out 25 new offers a year…

Who do you think is going to win?

Pretty obvious, right?.

Agora is gonna win.

Doesn’t even matter if you’re a better copywriter than them.

Based on numbers, they get 25 chances and you get 3.

The 25 is going to have more winners.

This is one of those lessons that took me a while to learn, but it’s so damn valuable.

And it applies to every area of your business…

Who do you think has the best converting ads?

The team that tests the most ads.

Who do you think has the most offers converting on cold traffic?

The team that tests the most offers.

Remember this…

It all comes down to who takes the most swings.

The more swings you can take, the better.

That’s a million dollar lesson right there…

So keep it in mind.

– Justin 

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