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Back in 2018,  I got an email out of the blue from internet marketing legend Kelly Felix (Kelly was The Rich Jerk back in the day if you’re old enough to remember that).

When he emailed me, Kelly was interested in coming to my $25,000 Beat Your Control event.

But Kelly doesn’t like to fly on airplanes…

So he was asking if there was something else we could work out consulting-wise so he could get the info.

“Send me over your funnel and I’ll see if there’s anything I can improve on it” I said.

The next day Kelly sent me over all the links in their funnel for an offer called “Credit Secrets”.

I had never heard of the offer.

But he said they were gonna do close to $50 million that year with it. 

In fact, it was running as an infomercial with Larry King as the face of it. 

That immediately grabbed my attention.

So I dove into the funnel to check it out…

After carefully scanning every page, every upsell and every downsell, I understood why they were doing so well. 

This funnel was as dialed-in as could be.

All the little conversion tricks that I teach clients they were already using.

What’s more, they were doing a few things on their first upsell that I have NEVER seen anyone do.

I figured it had to be working like gangbusters  cause it was so out of the ordinary.

You wouldn’t use this technique if it wasn’t working.

Turns out, it was working GREAT.

Their first upsell  (which was priced at $97 on a $39 offer) was converting at close to 50%!

I was impressed.

After a few more emails back-and-forth, I discovered that Kelly’s business partner Jay was the man behind all of this.

I had never heard of Jay.

But apparently he was a wizard at upsells.

So I sent him an email saying “congrats” on the upsells.  And that they were some of the best upsells I’d ever seen.

What’s funny is that this little conversation between the three of us kind of died there.

I didn’t follow up on it…

And then Kelly and Jay wound up parting ways as partners a few months later.

So I didn’t really hear from either of them for over a year.

But then last September at our Copy Accelerator event, I saw a familiar name on the attendee list.

Jay Deiboldt.

Jay must have heard about the event and bought a ticket.  

During the second day of the event I got to meet Jay in person, and we chatted for a good 20 minutes.

We immediately clicked.

And I proceeded to grill him on his upsells.

Jay just kind if laughed and then gave me the inside scoop on some of the stuff he had tested on upsells.

And why some of the unique stuff he does works so well.  

Basically he has turned his first upsell into a formula.

One that works over and over again on every offer he launches.

And it’s why he routinely gets a 40-50% take rate on his first upsell (from a $39 front-end offer to a $97 upsell)

After hearing him break the whole thing down, I blurted out…

“We need to get you to speak about upsells at the next mastermind”

Jay laughed…

And said “he’d love to”

Which brings us to today…

I mentioned in my email yesterday that Jay will be speaking at our next mastermind in Vegas.

Specifically he’s going to be spilling the beans on what he does with upsells to make them convert so well. 

And how he’s able to consistenly put out new offers where his first upsell converts between 40-50%. 

So if you struggle with upsells…

Or you feel like you could be getting more out of yours…

Then what Jay is going to share could easily add 6 or 7 figures to your business over the course of a year. 

That’s how important this is.

The first upsell can make or break an offer.

It can be the difference between an offer converting on cold traffic and it simply being a mediocre backend offer.

Which is why I’m pumped for Jay to be speaking at our next event.

He’s probably the smartest marketer that 95% of people have never heard of. 

So I’m glad Jay is “coming out of the shadows” to share his secrets with us. 

If you’re not in the Copy Accelerator mastermind and you’d like to join us at this event, then I suggest grabbing one of the sit-in seats we have available.

The normal price to be in the mastermind is $30,000 for the year.

But if you qualify for a sit-in seat, you can attend for just $2950.

I could go on and on about this…

But all the details for attending the mastermind are on the event page…

Which you can check out right here.

Talk soon,

– Justin

P.S. – If you have any questions about the event (after you read the event page) feel free to respond to this and let me know.

Here’s the link again…

-> Justin & Stefan’s Vegas Mastermind

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.