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Back when I lived in Columbus, my buddies and I would go to a bar every week and play trivia.

What’s funny is that even though I was the most  successful guy in the group…

I was the dumbest one when it came to trivia questions.

If you asked me to name all the countries in Europe, I could probably name about two (England and Sweden).

If you asked me why World War 2 was fought, I couldn’t tell you.

If you asked me the difference between a trapezoid and a rhombus, my mind would be blank.

I remember one time in particular, we had a question about the population of Brazil…

And I blurted out “well it’s in Asia, so it probably has a lot of people”.

My buddy Steve (who was really good at geography) just started shaking his head…

“Hey moron, Brazil is in South America” he said laughing.

Literally every week I would have multiple moments like this.

Which made my friends wonder if I actually went to school when I was younger.

To be fair I did get a few questions right.

If they were about business…

Or sports…

Or a random question about The Office.

But other than that, I was useless.

Honestly, it was pretty embarrassing.

But I’ve just never been that smart.

When I took the ACT to get into college, I got a 22 (which is about a 1110 on the SAT).

Which is very average.

I somehow snuck into Ohio State with that score.

And managed to graduate with a degree in “Sports & Leisure Studies”

True story.

It was the easiest degree they had.

So it was me and all the athletes in class together.

As you can see I was never the “brightest bulb” in the droor.

Yet, somehow I wound-up a multi-millionaire at the age of 32.

How is that possible?

Well for me it boiled down to getting really good at one thing.

Direct marketing.

And I’ve been “in the trenches” learning what works (and what doesn’t) for 14 years.

So I probably know more about copywriting and offer creation than 99% of the people out there. 

That’s a very valuable skill.

And one that’s made me a lot of money.

I might not know the population of Canada…

Or how many bones are in the human body…

But I know how to get people to buy stuff.

And that’s made me quite wealthy.

Point being…

I am living proof that you don’t have to be smart to make good money.

You just need to be really good at something valuable.

Like copy…

Or buying traffic…

Or email marketing…

Those are all skills that are highly valuable.

And skills that will make you a lot of dough if you get good at them.

So if you’re like me and you don’t know the first thing about the French Revolution…

Or what an isosceles triangle is…

Don’t fret.

You can still make a pretty penny simply by having one money-making skill.

Keep that in mind.

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Saturday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.