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This week I’m putting together my presentation on upsells for our upcoming Copy Accelerator event.

It’s all about the OLOF method…

Which is an upsell method I created over the years that helps me get 30-50% conversion rates on my upsells.

I’ve taught bits and pieces of this method before…

And for the people that have put it into practice it’s been a game-changer.

Kate Aseltine used it to boost the AOV on their collagen funnel by $41…

Dave Sinick got nearly a $5 boost in AOV (on a F+S offer) and is now doing 1000+ sales a day on that offer…

Jonathan Boyd is getting over a 50% take rate on the upsell on his guitar training course.

So as you can see, the method works…

And I’m gonna be detailing exactly how you can do the same in my talk at our upcoming Copy Accelerator event…

Specifically I’m gonna dive into…

– the biggest mistake even smart marketers make on their upsells that’s costing you money

– a 27-word piece of copy that will boost your upsell conversions by 20-25% every time

– how I recently got an upsell converting at 47% by simply changing the first three minutes of the upsell video

– the exact results of a long-running upsell test using video, text only, and video + text (you might be surprised at the winner)

– the perfect length for your upsell (hint: longer usually wins, but if it’s TOO long, it will hurt you as well)

– the #1 thing you should test if your upsell is not converting at 30-50%

– Why you’re killing your conversions if the first few minutes of your upsell isn’t talking about the product they just purchased

– Plus much, much more…

This is gonna be an MBA level talk on upsells.

And as I said earlier, upsells either “make or break” an offer.

So if you’re an offer owner, you need to know this stuff if you want your offer to scale to 200, 500 or 1000 sales a day…

And if you’re a copywriter, upsells are probably the area where you can make the most money with the least amount of work. 


A few years ago Mike Geary paid me $53,000 to rewrite one of his upsells. 

That might seem like a lot of money.

But it wasn’t to Mike.  

Because I beat his control upsell by so much, that he was able to scale that offer to 1000+ sales a day with the new upsell I wrote.

So he was GLAD to pay me $53k.

That’s the power of getting your upsells dialed-in.

And that’s what I’m gonna show you how to do at our upcoming Copy Accelerator event.

The event is September 10th and 11th.

I’ll be talking upsells on the first day (the 10th).

So if that interests you…

I suggest you grab a ticket for the event.

Tickets for our events are normally $2950.

But since this is a digital event, we dropped the price to $1450.

So a big discount.

If you want to see all the details about the event…

And read what it’s about…

Check out the event page here.

I know we’ve already had close to 100 people apply for one of the “sit in” seats at the event.

So they’re going quickly.

Here’s the link again to check it out…

-> Copy Accelerator Virtual Event

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.