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Most people think if a recession happens, it will automatically mean  “doom and gloom” for their business…

But that’s not always the case.

For example…

Back in the 2008 recession, when the entire economy in the US was crippled – my buddy Mike Geary saw his fitness info-product business go from a million a year in revenue to 10 million in revenue.

Think about that…

His business grew by a factor of 10 while the whole world was falling apart around him.

Major banks like Lehman Brothers,  Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns went bankrupt…

The stock market plummeted by 54%…

The unemployment rate was nearly 10%…

People were panicking.

Pundits on CNBC were screaming that it was “the end of capitalism”.

If you remember ’08, it was a dark, dark time.

But not for Mike.

Mike thrived in the ’08 recession.

And it’s not like he had some killer offer that was perfectly suited for the recession.

He wasn’t selling survival food…

Or a biz opp offer…

He was selling workouts.

Specifically he had an ebook called “The Truth About Abs” that showed you how to get a 6-pack.

Not exactly a dire need in a recession. 

Most people wouldn’t think you could sell that kind of product in a bad economy.

But he did.

And he went from a million a year in revenue to 10 million in just one year.

Pretty sweet if I say so myself.

And if you’re wondering the specifics of how he did it, that’s actually the most boring part of the story.

Mike simply found a few traffic sources (mostly Google Adwords) that worked really well for his offer.

And he scaled the crap out of it.

And while it’s easy to get bogged down wondering exactly what Mike did to scale ten-fold in a recession…

The big point I want you to take away from his story is that what he did is possible for you.

Cause here’s the truth…

Even though the next 6 months might be ugly…

You can still do better than you’re doing now.

You’re not relegated to doing worse just because the economy won’t be as good.

You have the power to make more money…

And to not be at the mercy of the economy.

Sure it might take more work on your end…

Or re-tooling some of your offers…

But it’s absolutely possible to grow your business while everyone else takes a hit.

Mike is shining example of this.

And he’s no different from you or I.

So keep that in mind.

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Wednesday.

– Justin

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