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“How are you able to make the kind of money you make working just a few hours a day?”

This is a question Rob Marsh and Kira Hug asked me last week when I was on their podcast.

I was telling them how I’ve drastically scaled back my business this year…

And how I’m only working 2-3 hours a day…

I currently spend most of my time at the gym, going on hikes, and walking dogs at the rescue by my house…

Yet despite all that…

I’m still making $60k-$80k on average each month.

Which had Rob and Kira wondering “how are you able to do that?”

Well the answer is pretty simple…

Cause all of the sales I make…

And all of the revenue I generate…

It all stems from one thing…

My email list.

That’s the source of everything.

But here’s the thing…

My list is not like most email lists.


Cause most lists are filled with nothing but tire kickers and freebie seekers…

That’s not my list.

My list has “people with money” on it.

These are people that routinely pull out their credit card’s and buy my courses…

Or affiliate offers I promote…

Or workshops that I put on…

Which is what you want.

I’d rather have 3000 “doers” who happily buy my courses than 100,000 freebie seekers who cringe at the thought of forking over a dollar.


If you want to work less…

And make more than you currently do…

Then you need leverage.

And my suggestion for getting leverage is having an email list that’s filled with “people with money”.

That’s what I do.

And it works like gangbusters.

So if that appeals to you…

And you want some help building a list that’s filled with “people with money”…

I suggest you pick-up my training on this exact topic.

It’s currently on sale in my Black Friday bundle for the lowest price I’ve ever offered it.

So not only will you get my list building training, but you’ll also get 5 more of my best trainings on email copy, launches and more…

So if that piques your interest…

You can check out the Black Friday deal right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.