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This morning I was reviewing my 2024 goals…

And I wanted to share a quote that I have written down in my goals with you…

It says…

“Create a life that YOU want.  Not what others want, or what will make you the most money.  But a life that you enjoy each day”

This is a big focus for me lately.


Because for most of my life…

I didn’t do this.

Instead, I simply chased opportunities that would make me the most money.

I gave no thought to whether or not I was passionate about those opportunities…

Or how much work they’d require…

Or if I’d even enjoy doing them.

If they made me good money…

I’d go after them.

For example…

Back when I started my supplement company in 2014, I knew I’d be able to make good money with it.


Cause I had written a lot of copy for supplements…

I knew the market…

And I knew what would sell.

So I teamed up with my partner Allen…

And we built a successful supplement company from scratch to eventually doing $23 million a year…

That business made me a lot of money.

And helped a lot of people…

But here’s the thing…

After about three years of that business…

I realized I didn’t enjoy it.


Cause simply selling anti-aging supplements to 60 year olds wasn’t fulfilling for me.

Sure it made me good money…

And our customers raved about the stuff we sold them…

But on a personal level for me…

It didn’t do anything for me.

It was simply a way to make money.

Which there’s nothing wrong with…

But over the years I’ve realized I want more than that…

I not only want to make good money…

But I want to do it in a way that I enjoy and that I get fulfillment from. 

So that’s why today…

I don’t just chase money.

I chase having the life I want each day.

That’s what’s important to me.

Now depending on where you’re at in your journey, that may resonate with you…

It may not…

But if it does…

My advice is to go after the things that not only make you money…

But that you also enjoy doing each day.

It’s a simple concept.

But once you start doing it…

Your life will be a hell of a lot more fun.

So keep that in mind.

And enjoy your Friday.

– Justin

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