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Ever since I sold my coaching program last summer, I’ve done a lot of thinking when it comes to what I want in my business and my life. 

I’ve thought about how much money I want to make…

What kind of impact I want to have…

How many hours I want to work…

I’ve thought of all that. 

So I’m gonna share with you some of my current priorities that I have in my biz and in my life.

Cause I think it may help you to have a life and a business that’s more congruent with who you are.

Here’s what I’m shooting for…

1.  I’m making $60k-$80k a month  This is a big change from where my income used to be.  For the past few years I was making $120k+ a month  most months. 

But I’m perfectly fine making less if it means I get to have more simplicity in my business.

Long term, my goal is to get this back up to $100k by building my list size up (with a bigger list it will still be the same amount of work for me, but more income).

I don’t have any grand aspirations of making $10 million a year like I used to.

I know what that takes…

And I know it won’t change my life in any meaningful way at this point…

So I’m happy making less, and having the life that I want.

2. I’m only working on things I enjoy

Back when I was running Copy Accelerator, that business forced me to get away from the things that I like (which are copy and marketing).

And I wound up spending a lot of time on things like event planning and processes in the business.


That shit drains me.

I prefer to focus on the creative side…

The ideas…

The writing…

Creating offers…

So that’s what I’m doing more of now.

And I’m enjoying my day-to-day life a lot more than when I was doing more processed focus stuff.

3. I’m having a deep impact on the people I help

One of the things that lights me up is having a profound impact on someone I’m helping.

My original copy mentees, Tanner and Alec, are good examples of this.

Both these guys were miserable in regular jobs when I met them.

They wanted more in their life…

So I taught them how to write copy, and introduced them to people in the direct response world.

Now-a-days, they’re both crushing it and bringing in over $300k a year writing for some of the biggest direct response brands.

Seeing that is incredibly fulfilling to me.

And having that deep, profound impact is something that’s important for me in my business.

To achieve this, I’m gonna be doing more small, in-person workshops and mentorships in the future (more to come on this soon)…

4. My day to day schedule is relatively open and NOT all about work

Nothing stresses me out more than looking at my calendar and seeing it chocked full of Zoom calls and meetings.

That’s not the life I want.

I like having an open schedule.

I like being able to work for an hour or two in the morning…

I like being able to go to the gym at noon…

Or escape to Barton Springs to take a dip…

If I have five hours of back-to-back calls, then I can’t do any of that.

So a big thing for me is keeping my days relatively open and free of committments. 

5. I have close relationships with my friends, and I’m hanging with them regularly

There’s been multiple points in my life where I was “all work and no play” and those were some pretty stressful times.

I wasn’t hanging with friends…

I didn’t have any deep connections…

And while I made a lot of money in those times, inside I was pretty miserable. 

Now-a-days I try to hang out with my friends at least twice a week.

That could be going for a walk…

Hitting the gym together…

Or grabbing dinner…

All of these things help me to connect and feel better on a daily basis. 

6.  Im spending more time with the dogs at the Austin Animal Shelter

I’m a big dog lover…

So anything I can do to connect with them, and to make their life better is very rewarding for me.

Lately I’ve been going over to the shelter by my house and walking dogs 5-6 days a week.

I usually spend about an hour there and walk 3-4 dogs in that time…

Which has had multiple benefits for me…

– it provides connection to the dogs

– I feel good about doing it

– I’m getting a bunch of steps in

– I’m outside and in the sun (which I love)

So overall it’s a lot of wins.

And I feel better when I do it.

So I’m gonna keep walking the dogs a few times a week.

So there ya go…

Those are a few of the things I’m focused on right now.

These are things that matter to me.

And that help me keep my business and my life simple and full of meaning.

My goal right now isn’t to be a tycoon with a $100 million dollar business.

I care a more about working on things I enjoy…

And having the kind of life I want…

So that’s what my priorities are. 

And hopefully this spurs a few ideas for you as well.

Enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.