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Well, my trip to Mexico wasn’t all sand and sunshine…

Thursday morning I was getting ready to head to the airport and out of nowhere my stomach felt like a wild animal was running through my bowels.

It wasn’t pleasant.

But I figured it would go away.

Unfortunately for me, that didn’t happen.

I spent the rest of the day (while flying home) running to the bathroom every 30 minutes.

Bodily fluids were coming out of every entrance and exit of my body. 

Which was not fun.

And that continued over into yesterday.

All day yesterday I felt like “walking death”.

Couldn’t eat anything…

And could barely keep water down…


This morning I’m feeling a little more with it.

I’ve been able to eat…

And drink water.

So I’m praying this is the end of the misery.

Now you might be thinking this is a weird story to share with you.

And it is…

However the reason I’m telling you this story is because I skipped writing my daily email the last two days because of this – AND I had a big urge to beat myself up over not writing those emails.


Well I don’t like missing days with writing…

And even if I don’t feel like writing, I usually still do it.

But the last two days I just couldn’t muster up the energy.

Laying on the couch was hard enough…

I didn’t have it in me to write an entire email.

So I skipped both days.

Which was the right move…


A few years ago, I wouldn’t have allowed myself to do this.

I would have forced myself to do it.

All because I didn’t want to miss a day.

Which brings me to my point…

If you’re ambitious…

And a go-getter…

It’s very easy to demand perfection of yourself…

It’s easy to never allow yourself a reprieve.

I was this way for MANY years.

But I’ve gotten better at understanding that sometimes I simply need to pull back.

This isn’t easy to do.

And probably goes against everything your mind is telling you.

But the reality is that you can’t be “on” everyday.

It’s not possible.

Having off-days is just part of the game.

And sometimes shit comes up that you can’t control.

This is something I’m slowly learning…

And I think it’s an important lesson.

You’re never gonna be perfect…

You’re never gonna be always “on”.

Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches and take a step back.

Keep that in mind…

And enjoy your Saturday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.