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You ever have one of those days when nothing goes right?

Well, I’m having one today…

I mentioned yesterday that I was going to announce a new training that Ning Li and I are doing together.

Ning and I already put the content together for the training, and it’s incredible.

I think people are gonna love it…


Over the last few days as I was preppin for the launch, I started to notice that it was feeling like a grind.

The positioning on the offer felt off…

Our promise didn’t feel strong enough…

Even the name of the training wasn’t clicking for me.

So everytime I tried to write copy for it, it felt like I was trying to army crawl through a field full of mud. 

I figured it would go away…

And things would click eventually…

But that same feeling continued this morning when I was about to send out an email talking about the training.

So about an hour ago, I hopped on Zoom with Ning and we made a decision to postpone the training. 


Cause I’ve launched enough offers to know that when things are a grind to get the messaging right, they usually don’t work.

That’s the truth.

The best offers are easy to write for.

The words just roll off your fingers. 

But that wasn’t the case with this one.

Even though the content was killer, we decided to just postpone it.

We may still do it under a different hook…

Or we may switch it to another topic completely…

I’m not sure yet.

But whatever we do, I know the offer will be more appealing the next time we release it…


I wanted to share this with you because it’s a good reminder that even someone like me who’s been doing this for 19 years, and who’s made tens of millions of dollars in my career…

I can still screw up…

I still “miss” from time to time.  

Sure, I probably have a higher “hit” rate than most people…

But I still have my share of misfires. 

So if you’re in the same boat…

Or that’s happened to you recently…

Don’t be too hard on yourself.

The screw-ups and the misfires happen to everyone.

Including guys like me who teach this stuff.

It’s just part of the game.

So keep that in mind…

– Justin

P.S.  – if you wanna give me your input on what training Ning and I should do next…

I just put 6 new topics for you to choose from in this survey here.

All you gotta do is click “yes” or “no” on each topic and that will let me know which ones would be the most helpful for you.

I take the results of these surveys VERY seriously…

So I’d love to hear what you think of the 6 new training topics I came up with here

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.