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Piggybacking off yesterday’s email, let’s talk about why it’s important to be ok with failure as an entrepreneur.

Here’s the deal…

You’re going to fail at some point.

Sometimes it will be a small failure (like a client not hiring you)…

Other times it will be a big failure (like spending 3 months on a VSL, and it bombs)…

This is normal.

And I can tell you from experience that being able to withstand these failures is one of the keys to making a bunch of dough over the long run.

I’ll give ya an example…

Back in 2010, I launched my first offer on Clickbank that was called The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure.

The product was basically an ebook on the paleo diet…

I spent months and months writing the VSL…

Shooting videos…

And creating the funnel.

It was not easy.

But the offer ended up doing gangbusters…

I went from spending $10 a day on ads…

To $100 a day…

All the way up to $5000 a day (this was the max Facebook would allow at the time).

And when I was spending $5k a day, I was profiting around $2k a day!

Which was nuts.

I had never made more than $10k in a month before this.

And here I was raking in like $60k a month.

So I was on cloud nine…

I felt like all my hard work was finally paying off.

I had a winning offer…

And life was good.

However, the euphoria wouldn’t last…


Cause my business partner and I started to disagree on how to run the business.

He was basically against doing any additional stuff to make sales.

He thought upsells were shady and didn’t want us to have them in the funnel…

He didn’t want us to have backend products…

And he was 100% against us selling supplements (either our own supps or as an affiliate).

His thought was “I gave them everything they need in the ebook, so they don’t need anything else”.

So we butted heads over this for months…

I figured he’d eventually come to his senses and see how much money we were leaving on the table.

But he didn’t. 

And eventually our arguments got heated…

And he quit. 

Which was a big problem.

Cause his face was on everything.

And he demanded that I take down everything that had his name or picture on it. 

I couldn’t use the VSL…

I couldn’t use the ebook we wrote…

I couldn’t use the ads he was in…

Knowing what I know now I would have just replaced him with someone else as the face of the product…

But back then, I wasn’t that smart. 

I thought the whole thing was done.

So I just shut it down…

I stopped running ads.

And the sales plummeted to nothing.

Which tore me apart.

I had worked so hard to get this offer off the ground and to get it converting…

And then to watch it all fall apart was brutal.

But looking back now…

I can tell ya that this was one of the best things that ever happened to me.


Because it opened the door to better partnerships.

Cause it was only a few years after this that I partnered with Allen Baler on Patriot Health Alliance (a supplement company).

And Allen and I grew that business from a million a year to $23 million a year in just three years. 

That business turned me into a multi-millionaire.

And put me on the map as one of the best copywriters in the space. 

So it was life changing.

And it probably would never happened if Vic had not quit on me…

I would have just kept working with him…

And we may have had a decent business…

But it would have never scaled to $23 million like my other one did. 

So even though it felt awful at the time…

And I felt like my life was over…

Vic quitting on me turned out to be a blessing.

And there’s a valuable lesson in there…

One that you should take to heart.

And that’s the idea that it’s not a matter of if you fail or not, but how you react to that failure. 

Cause when things go south, a lot of people will quit.

And five years later they’ll regret it.

But others (like me) just see the failure as something that’s part of the process.

It’s a bump in the road…

But that’s not gonna stop me from continuing on.

That’s the key.

Cause you’re gonna fail whether you want to or not.

What matters is how you deal with it…

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Wednesday,

– Justin

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