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Back in 2016 I had one of my best years ever income wise (I made $2.1 million that year)…

However, I still felt like a fraud when it came to copywriting.


Well that’s what’s funny about the whole thing.

At the time my supplement, Patriot Power Greens, was firing on all cylinders (we grew that biz to $23 million that year)…

All the copy I wrote for that biz was crushing.

My sales pages were bringing in 500-1000 buyers a day.

And my emails were beating controls left and right.

So my copy was the best it had ever been.

Yet despite all this…

I still wasn’t confident in my abilities.

I always felt like I had just gotten lucky…

And that sooner or later the other shoe was gonna drop, and people were gonna find out that I wasn’t actually good at copy.

Maybe you can relate to this feeling…

Maybe not…

Either way, most copywriters suffer from a lot of self doubt (especially when you’re starting out).

You have thoughts running through your head like…

“Other copywriters are better than me, why would the client hire me?”…


“I could never charge that much for writing copy”…

These are all NORMAL thoughts that go through your head as a copywriter.

It happens to everyone (even me).

And that’s a big reason why I want to help you with this.

So here’s the deal…

Tomorrow afternoon at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT, I’m hosting a special Zoom call with Stefan Georgi on how to go from 0 to $100k as a copywriter in half the time it takes most people.

And a big part of that call will be devoted to mindset.

Specifically helping you to see that you CAN get to 6-figures writing copy no matter who you are or where you come from.

Cause I’ve helped men, women, non-native speakers, people in their 60’s, and even a 16 year-old in highschool to make serious money with copywriting. 

And I want to help you do the same.

And that all starts with helping you to believe that you can do it.

So a big part of the call tomorrow is going to be all about getting past the self doubt most copywriters feel…

And showing you that you CAN do this…

So if that appeals to you…

And you want to see how you can go from 0 to $100k a year writing copy in half the time it takes most people…

Then make sure you save yourself a spot on the call tomorrow.

The call kicks off at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT on Wednesday (January 19th).

Just use the link below to register and save yourself a seat…

This is gonna be a good one…

So I hope to see ya there…

– How to go from 0 to $100k a year as a copywriter

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.