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One of the truest principles in dating that also applies to copy is that if you try to appeal to everyone, you’ll end up appealing to no one.

Case in point…

Back in July, I was in Vegas helping coach on a personal development program for men.

And one of the main things I helped the guys with was their fashion.


Well, because frankly most guys dress like shit.

They don’t know how to buy clothes that fit…

Or even how to put an outfit together…

So I helped all the guys on the program to dial-in their fashion.

And while we were spending hours walking the Forum Shops at Caesar’s, one of the things I continuously drilled into their heads was that they needed an overall “theme” for how they dress.

For example…

There’s the classic theme (think George Clooney or Cary Grant)

There’s the alternative theme (think Machine Gun Kelly)

Or if they were younger, some of them could pull off the “f-boy” theme (think Justin Bieber)

All of these themes work…

And based on their age, their personality, and what they did for a living, I helped guide them to the right “theme” for their clothes.

Now here’s what’s interesting…

Most of the guys were hesitant to get away from how they currently dressed.

Cause it was what they were comfortable with. 


Most of their clothes were quite generic.

They thought if they dressed as plain as possible, then they wouldn’t offend anyone, and they’d appeal to everyone. 

Well that’s not how it works…

The reality is that if you play it safe and wear Dockers and a polo shirt (that are both too big on you) then you won’t stand out.

Sure you won’t offend anyone…

But you also won’t have anyone intrigued by what you’re wearing either.

“If you try to appeal to everyone, you wind-up appealing to no one” I said.

And guess what?

This same principle applies to your copy as well.

If you’re selling a fat loss book, and you’re intent on selling it to anyone and everyone…

Then it won’t appeal to anyone.

You need to get specific with your copy…

Maybe you’re targeting moms who just had a baby and want to get their pre-baby body back…

Or maybe you’re targeting fitness buffs who want to lose their last 10 lbs before summer…

Both of these offers would work…

But to make them work, you’d need to be very specific in your copy.

You’d need to talk about their specific problems…

And show that you understand their situation.

You can’t just write generic weight loss copy.

You have to be specific.

And yes you certainly will turn away some potential buyers by doing this…

But your copy will connect MUCH more with your target market.

And in the end, you’ll make a LOT more sales (and a lot more money) because you were specific.

That’s the truth.

Remember – if you try to appeal to everyone, you’ll wind-up appealing to no one.

Keep that in mind. 

And enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

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