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Back when I was coaching copywriters day-in and day-out, I had an unique look inside how a copywriter’s brain works.

I got to see all their insecurities…

Their secret frustrations…

And the deep, dark fears that they never told anyone else…

And because I had that insight…

I discovered that most copywriters see the world through two very specific lenses.

Which are the “exposed” and the “defective” lens.

So if you’re feeling “exposed” you’re thinking things like…

– what if the client hates my copy?

– what if I try to raise my rates and they say “no”?

– what if I spend months writing this and it bombs?

– what if my client lets me go? what will I do for money?

– I’m scared to reach out to potential clients

These are all “exposed” ways of thinking.

You basically feel vulnerable to a lot of things that could hurt you or embarrass you.

So it’s not a great spot to be in.

Yet, most copywriters see their writing, their clients, and the money they make through this lens. 

So that’s the first lens most copywriters live in.

The second one is the “defective” lens.

So if you have the “defective” lens going on, you might have thoughts like…

– I feel like other copywriters are better than me

– Why would they hire me over a better writer?

– I don’t know if my copy is even good

– I’m not sure what to say when I reach out to clients

This is all “defective” thinking.

Basically you feel like you don’t have the necessary skills (whether that’s writing copy, or talking to clients) to succeed.

I personally saw the “defective” lens in about 70-80% of the copywriters I coached.

And when they were stuck in the defective and exposed ways of thinking, it prevented them from…

– making the kind of money they wanted to make

– writing copy quickly (lots of procrastination)

– charging the fees they deserved

– voicing their opinion to clients

– going after the clients they really wanted

– breaking away from client work and starting their own list

All of this is the result of living in the “exposed” and “defective” ways of thinking.

It holds you back.

And makes you feel small, inferior and you’re always expecting the worst.

I spent a lot of time in these lenses myself (and still do from time to time)…

But the truth is…

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You can stop feeling like this and become a capable, confident copywriter that writes fast and believes in themself. 

I saw it happen with one my first copy mentees Alec Rosa.

When I started working with Alec his procrastination was so bad that he’d wait until Sunday to write the 7 emails he owed his client on Monday morning.

So instead of writing one email a day…

Or a few throughout the week…

He had to grind through 7 in a single day. 

Which was like torture for him.

He dreaded the weekends cause he knew he’d have to finally sit down and write. 

This went on for the first few years of his copy career. 

But around 2020, Alec started working with Brent and doing some corrections on his writing.

And after doing a few corrections on his “exposed” and “defective” thoughts…

His procrastination started to disappear.

Instead of torturing himself and waiting til the last minute to write his emails…

He was able to knock out a couple emails each day. 

Which not only was a big weight off his shoulders, but a huge boost to his income as well. 

Cause now he’s able to manage two different email lists, pump out multiple pieces of copy a day, and make over $25k a month. 

So it’s a night and day difference for him.

And I’m glad he got past it.

But that’s a testament to how powerful the corrections are that I’ve been telling you about these last few days.

They can remove the “blocks” that are causing you to under-charge, procrastinate and doubt yourself with every project. 

This is why I’m so passionate about getting Brent’s work into your hands.

I’ve seen how it’s benefitted me…

And guys like Alec as well. 

And I want the same for you.

So if that appeals to you…

And you’d like some help getting rid of the mental and emotional blocks you have around under-charging, procrastination, doubting your skills and more…

Then I suggest checking out Brent’s course right here.

Normally it costs $125,000 to work with Brent 1-on-1 for a year (and 15 clients gladly pay it each year).

But with his new course, you get access to the same “Correction Method” that me and all his other 1-on-1 clients use for just a fraction of that price.

So the course is a hell of a deal.

And if you have the moolah I highly suggest grabbing it. 

Also, if you buy the course through my affiliate link, you’ll get an invite to a private 2-day mastermind I’m hosting at my house in Austin at the end of May.

On day 1, we’ll mastermind and I’ll help you with your copy, your business, your offers and your mindset. 

And then on day 2 we’ll have a pool party at my house, where you’ll be able to chat with all the other people there and you can meet potential clients, affiliate partners, business partners and more.

It’ll be pretty sweet.

And I think you’ll get a lot out of it.

However, I know from previous events I’ve hosted that I can only fit around 55 people in my house. 

So if you want an invite to the mastermind, you need to be one of the first 55 people to pick-up Brent’s course through my link (as of me writing this email, there’s around 22 spots remaining)

So if you want one of the spots, I would not wait.

Cause they will fill up.


I really hope you take me up on this…

Especially if you’re struggling with things like procrastination, imposter syndrome, writer’s block and feeling like you’re not good enough.

This is the only thing I’ve found that’s produced long-lasting, permanent change in me and other copywriters.

So I sincerely hope you get a copy of the course. 

You can check out the entire course, and see what it’s all about on Brent’s site right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.