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Let’s talk about “perfectionism”…

I’ve struggled for a long time with trying to be perfect…

And most of this stems from my childhood and how my mom raised me. 

Cause my mom was the ultimate perfectionist.

I was never allowed to make a mistake.

I was never allowed to be wrong.

I grew up walking on eggshells, afraid that if I did something wrong, I’d come under my mom’s wrath.

So how did I cope with that as a little kid?

I tried to be perfect.

I thought if I just never made a mistake…

Or if I was never wrong…

Then I’d finally be good enough for her.

It’s pretty sad when you think about it.

Making a little kid feel like that…

It sucks. 

And I was obviously never able to be perfect.

Because that’s impossible.

But that strive to be perfect is still inside me.

And it flares up from time to time in my business.  

For example…

Just this week I was talking to my coach,  Brent, and I mentioned that I was struggling with the content for a new product I’m putting out next year.

Basically most of the videos for the product I’ve already filmed.

Because I taught those topics in my coaching program.

But instead of simply using those videos for the course,  I felt like I had to record totally new videos.

“That’s you trying to be perfect about the content of your course” Brent said.


He’s right.

The reality is that no one is going to care if I use videos that I already taught.

And furthermore, the videos I already recorded will probably be better since there are live questions from the people in my coaching program in those videos.

So they’ll probably answer a lot of the questions people who buy the course have…

So there’s really no need to record new stuff.

But on a gut level, I feel like I need to…

Because I don’t want to use stuff people have already seen.

This is me trying to be perfect.

And this kind of thing happens all the time if you’re a perfectionist.

Being a perfectionist, can be a blessing in many  ways…

But it’s also seriously hurts you.

It’s why people “think about starting a business” for years and never do it.

It’s why copywriters spend days and days writing a single email.

It’s why you can’t move quickly on new projects.

It all goes back to perfectionism.

And perfectionism doesn’t just pop up.

It’s not something that starts when you’re 40.

It comes from your childhood.

So if you struggle with it, you’ve had it for a while.

You might not be fully aware of it (like I wasn’t).

But it’s affecting every area of your life.

I’m 35 years old now, and I still battle it.

So if you struggle with perfectionism…

Just know that you’re not alone.

I’m right there in the mud with ya.

And the big thing to remember is that being “perfect” is not possible.

It doesn’t exist.

And the more you try to be perfect, the more you simply hold yourself back from the GREAT things you could be doing.

Keep that in mind…

And enjoy your Saturday.

– Justin

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