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Yesterday, my buddy Dan Ferrari sent out an email detailing all the ways that Brent Charleton’s “mindset work” has helped him.

His email was so good, that it inspired me to do the same.

So last night I pulled out a bunch of my old notebooks from the last five years of working with Brent, and thumbed through each one page-by-page.

It was pretty eye-opening to see the things that were triggering me three years ago, or six months ago that are no longer an issue for me.

I’ve changed a lot (for the better).

So in this email, I wanna share some of the most profound ways that Brent’s work has changed my life (this way you’ll have an idea of what’s possible if you pick up his course).

Let’s start with what was probably the most important change of them all.

Learning to break free of my mom and become my own man.  I was completely unaware of this when I started working with Brent, but I was basically a 33 year-old man who was making decisions in his life trying to please his mom.  Even at 33, and having made millions of dollars, she still controlled me like a puppet (which was exactly how our relationship was when I was younger).  There were no boundaries on my end.  I just did whatever she said. But since working with Brent, I’ve been able to break away from my mom’s control and be my own person.  This was not the reason I went to Brent in the first place, but it was probably the biggest change I’ve experienced working with him.

My “people pleasing” tendencies (especially with women) have pretty much disappeared.  Due to the way my mom raised me, I always thought it was my job to make everyone else happy.  So the first couple relationships I was in, I basically had no backbone, and no opinion of my own.  I just did whatever the woman I was dating wanted, cause I thought that’s what you were supposed to do.  I had no idea how to lead, or set boundaries, or even have my own opinions on things.  It was all about making the woman I was dating happy.  Obviously this is a recipe for disaster.  Cause no woman wants a weak, spineless guy that she can walk all over.  So Brent and I did a lot of work on this.  And after some corrections around my people-pleasing, I discovered that my need to make other people happy (before making myself happy) faded away. Which was a huge change.  Now I’m able to date and be in a relationship and not be such a people pleaser (side note – this also had a dramatic affect on how I work with clients, students and affiliates as well). So that was a big needle mover for me.

The perfectionism I used to feel with thinking my copy had to be perfect has significantly diminished.  Due to my mom being the ultimate perfectionist, and never allowing me to make mistakes growing up, I carried a lot of this perfectionism into my copywriting.  I felt like my copy had to be perfect.  And that if it was just “good” or “average” it was the end of the world.  Like literally I thought my life would be over.  But after doing a few corrections around perfectionism, this started to fade.  And now-a-days I’m able to just sit down, write copy and not be so worried about how it’s going to perform (cause I know a lot of it will be good, some of it will be average, and some of it will bomb – that’s just copywriting for ya)

I’m nowhere near as serious as I used to be.  I can now have fun, make jokes and be myself.  This one was a big change for me.  I used to be very, very serious because I was always on edge.  I remember when I moved to Austin, Ian Stanley would always tease me about how serious I was when we were out at a bar.  Ian was the complete opposite, always the life of the party.  And here I was looking as serious as someone who was about to be on trial in front of a judge.  My ability today to have fun, be myself and be in the moment is monumentally different from where it used to be.

Making money is easier and not so much of a grind as it used to be.  I never had an issue making money after 2014 or so.  But even thought I was making money, it was always a grind.  Making $100k felt like I was dragging a 200 lb sled up a hill. But after doing a few corrections around money with Brent, I’ve noticed that money seems to flow to me a lot easier these days.  I’m not so “tight” with it.  I”m more relaxed.  And more comfortable talking about.  And it makes money-making a lot easier (and more fun). 

I used to be scared to death to talk to women, and that has pretty much disappeared.  For most of my 20’s and early 30’s, the only way I could talk to women was by getting rip-roaring drunk.  After 6-8 drinks, I’d be able to walk up to a girl at a bar and say “hi”.  Having to be that drunk was obviously not ideal.  Cause I wasn’t very coherent.  And the booze was just covering up all my social anxiety.  But after doing a few corrections around women with Brent, I can talk to pretty much any woman I want (and get a good reaction) without any alcohol in me.  Honestly, this was one of the reasons I stopped drinking a few years ago.  I used to have to do it so I could talk to girls.  But after I was able to work on some of my triggering around talking to women, I felt like I didn’t need the alcohol anymore.  So now-a-days if I’m out and I see a woman that’s cute, I just walk up to her and say hello.  Back before I worked with Brent, that was not even in the world of possibility for me.

I’m a much better business partner today than I was before working with Brent.  This was very noticeable when I was running Copy Accelerator with Stefan.  I was able to listen.  And to give-and-take.  And to voice what I was feeling.  Which was a stark contrast to my previous partnerships where I’d basically stay quiet, bottle everything up inside of me and then just blow up on everyone when I couldn’t take it anymore.  I was a mess back then. And not an ideal business partner. But after the work I’ve done with Brent, I’m much better at listening, having hard conversations, and voicing my opinion when I have something to say.  So that’s been a big change.

I’m more comfortable in my body, and not as triggered around guys that are bigger than me.  This one goes back to me being really short when I was a kid.  I was 5’1 and 105 lbs when I graduated high school.  So I was the smallest kid in my grade.  And because of this I got picked on a lot by guys who were bigger than me.  That carried over into my adult life with me wanting to be bigger, taller, and have more muscles.  When I was in my 20’s I thought I needed to be 200 lbs and 8% body fat.  Now-a-days I don’t really care about that. I’m like 175 lbs and 16% body fat at the age of 39, which is pretty good.  But the bigger thing is that I’m much more comfortable with how I look now due to Brent’s work.  I’m not as triggered by wanting to be stronger, or trying to look like other guys that are bigger than me.  Would I like to put on another 5-10 lbs of muscle?  Sure.  But it’s not the triggering issue it was when I was in my 20’s.  Now I’m pretty comfortable with the way my body looks.

I used to have a big, big fear of losing all the money I made and being broke again. Back when the stock market was crashing in early 2020 due to COVID, I noticed I was really triggered about losing all the money I had.  I worried about being broke again.  And having nothing.  And how embarrassing that would be.  Who would I be without the money?  It was a pretty triggering event.  So Brent and I did a few corrections around “losing everything” and it went from like an 80 on the triggering scale to a 30.  So it’s nowhere near as triggering for me today.  And as much as it would suck for me to lose all my money, I now feel pretty confident I could make it all back in a couple of years if I had to.

And let’s do one last one here…

After feeling worthless for the first 33 years of my life, I finally feel happy, confident and I see my own worth for the first time.  This is really the crux of Brent’s work.  All the corrections we’ve done around money, procrastination, perfectionism, women, clients and more, really lead me to being happy and seeing my own worth. And for me that is priceless.  Cause when I started working with him, even though I was successful, I was miserable.  I was always angry, unhappy and walking around with a chip on my shoulder.  But after the work I’ve done with Brent, I see my own value.  And I love who I am.  And that’s not something I could have said before the work we did together.  

I could go on and on with more examples of how Brent’s work has changed my life…

But you get the point.

Working with him has been the best money I’ve ever spent.

Which is why I’ve been such a big evangelist for him over the last five years.

I sent probably 50-60 people to the live workshops that Brent used to run. 

I’ve also sent him 10-12 private clients that I know of.

And I’ve done all that without being compensated or paid for any of it.

I do it because I believe in his work that much.

And that’s really the main reason why I’m eagerly sharing his new course with you this week.

I know it will change your life if you use it.

And frankly, for $997 his course is an absolute steal.

Cause it costs $125,000 to work with him 1-on-1.

And his course literally shows you the same method that he uses with 1-on-1 clients.

So it’s a hell of a deal…

He even has an entire fill-in-the-blank template for you on how to do the corrections.

All it takes is a simple sheet of notebook paper…

And about 20 minutes of your time…

And you’ll be on your way to removing the blocks you have around perfectionism, procrastination, money (and more) that are holding you back. 

Also… I know Brent is doing 4 LIVE group calls with anyone that buys the course this week.

So he’s going to walk you through his whole correction method and answer any questions you have.

Which will be extremely valuable if you like having someone alongside of you helping you while you learn it (I know I like having that).

PLUS on top of that, I’m gonna sweeten the pot for you with a special bonus of my own.

If you pick up Brent’s course this week through my affiliate link, you’re going to get an invite to a 2-day “Fun in the Sun” mastermind I’m hosting at my house in Austin.

The mastermind will be on May 27th and 28th (this is a Saturday and Sunday). 

And what we’ll do is mastermind on day 1, and we’ll talk about scaling your business, dialing in your offer, improving your copy, email monetization, getting clients etc…

And then on day 2 we’ll have a pool party at my house where we’ll be grilling up some delicious food, hanging in the sun, and making connections.

This laid-back environment is perfect for you to meet clients, affiliate partners, media buyers and the like.

Plus, I’ll probably invite a bunch of the big name marketers in Austin to join us as well at the pool party. 

So it should be an amazing weekend. 

One note on this though…

Due to space limitations at my house, I’m limiting this to 55 people.  

So the invite to the mastermind will only be open to the first 55 people who pick up Brent’s course through my affiliate link (as of me writing this, it looks like there’s about 14 spots left).

So if you want a spot in the mastermind…

I suggest not dilly-dallying and waiting to the last minute. 

Cause it will fill up. 

So if your curiosity has been piqued…

And you want to get rid of the blocks that are holding you back with business, money, relationships and more…

Simply head over to Brent’s website, and grab a copy of his course right here

This could be a life-changing decision for you.

So I truly hope you take advantage of it.

You can see what the course is all about, and pick up a copy of it right here

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.