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One thing I’ve always preached is that the best investment you can make is one in yourself.

Case in point…

I just spent the last few days out in sunny Malibu working with my coach, Brent Charleton.

For two days I sat in Brent’s living room overlooking the Pacific Ocean and we dug into all the mental blocks that are holding me back with…

– running the kind of business I want

– having the kind of relationship I want

– having the friend circle I want

Basically all the things that matter in my life, we talked about.

We mapped out what I want…

What I don’t want…

And we dug-in to what’s holding me back from getting those things.

Some of it was uncomfortable…

And I was forced to see through my own bullshit.

But after two days with Brent, I feel like a cloud of confusion was lifted for me.

I have a lot more clarity…

And a vision for where I want things to go over this next year. 

This is one of the reasons I’m such a big fan of investing in yourself.

And why I do it whenever I can.

Whether that was hiring David Deutsch to be my copy coach nearly 10 years ago…

Or joining Justin Donald’s investing mastermind to learn high-level investing strategies…

Or working with Brent on all the mental and emotional blocks that get in my way…

I’m always looking to invest in myself.

Cause when you invest in yourself…

The ROI is unmatched.

Which is why I continue to do it.


I highly suggest you find ways to invest in yourself.

And if you’re interested in having me help you with this…

Then I suggest you take a look at the private mastermind Dan Ferrari and I are hosting in Sayulita, Mexico this December.

Over the 6 days we’re there, we’ll dig into your business…

Your marketing…

And show you exactly what you need to do to make 2024 your best year yet.

Be forewarned though…

This is not your typical mastermind in a freezing cold conference room.

We’ll be right on the beach in Sayulita…

So we’ll be surfing in the morning…

And then digging into your business problems in the afternoon.

So if that appeals to you…

And you want to join us…

I suggest you read all about it here.

As of me writing this 4 of the 6 spots are already taken, and we have a bunch more applications to go through.

So if you want one of the 2 remaining spots…

Give this a read, and see if the mastermind with Dan and I is a fit for you.

I hope to see ya there…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.